Violent protests in Chile: Will this spread to Argentina?

The underlying

The underlying social problems of Chile need to be studied by psychologists or other specialists. .

All the current "experts" in Chile claim it was obvious that Chile was a time bomb. However no one said it before The current "experts " always claimed before that Chile was a model..?

The dancing bit is not perpetrated in the protesters own neighborhoods , the protesters go from lower to high income barrios like Reñaca.
Was it malevolence of the Nazis to humiliate Jews?, or the Bolcheviques against the Zarist nobility? Or the sans-culottes against the French Nobility?

The reason for the protesters resentment is NOT the Constitution de "Pinochet" ( that has had 129 amendments to date, by socialist governments since written in 1980). The main reasons for resentment are not their, Pension system, Incomes , Health or Education systems. which are better that most Mercosur neighbours . No promises of Constitutional amendments for resolution in 2020 will do the trick..!

The Reason is "The rich are too rich" as repeatedly mentioned by protesters , they Have too much..!

As when the French revolted because of the price of Flower and Bread..! Marie Antoinette responded "No bread! Give'm cake"

The Cobin issue as to why he came to Chile , etc. I leave it for the experts..!

You are saying that it's pure class hatred - and not related to factors such as wages, pensions, etc?
You are saying that it's pure class hatred - and not related to factors such as wages, pensions, etc?

You notice that when the government recently increased pensions, minimum wages, etc. and will write a new Constitution. protests continue..? they want Piñeras billions..! They resent the Elite that Governs Chile, even the Socialists and Communist in Congress are Elitists..

Very similar but more extreme case in Bolivia where the tanned Coyas feel they are discriminated por Los Blancos..!
The extent and duration of these protests suggests that there must be some serious underlying social problems in Chile. Or is it just malevolence? If the intent of the dancing bit is to "humiliate the well to do", is there any valid reason for such resentment? And just what reforms do the protesters want? Another question is why Cobin chose to settle in Chile. According to one article he even renounced his US citizenship, What in Chile attracted him and what in the US repulsed him?

Walmart has declared tremendous damages to its businesses in Chile due to arson and armed attacks .These violent protests have cost the Chilean society over 3 billion dollars .