Quote Lucy's response to Ernie's note
Ernie I am French but lived in the UK for 4 years and I have never met a single gentleman out there. The only thing I and my other girlfriends bumped into were rude men, on the tube, in the bars, never offering their seats even to pregnant women! Unbelievable really. So where there is hot, there should be could, wet vs dry etc. If there are no gentlemen left then why on earth should I or anyone else be a lady. This is a dog-eat-dog world (sorry if this offends you Sandra asI know you love dogs) and it is each to their own."
Well, being that you are French Lucy explains it all and you are almost forgiven.
You never met any gentlemen in the UK because you were obviously hanging out with the wrong crowd and lets not even mention the rudness of the Parisian's. I studied in Paris and have to say that while the French are known to be rude the Parisian's really scrape the bucket when it comes to common courtesy and making people feel welcome. Lets not even speak of how badly received the Britsh and American's are in France, which is sad considering it is we loudmothed races that liberated your arrogant arses from the Germans. But hey, you have selective memories as small as a frogs arse

another quote
"Priscilla, Patt and Granny Apple: I am sure glad that you Golden Oldies have found each other and will look out for 3 grey cradlesnatchers downing caipiroskas at the Per Sherton. Don t you women have any morals? Going for such young guys when you have families????"
Morals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats a bit like calling the kettle black!
and what makes you think we are grey cradlesnatching grannies.? My husband is the same age as me and he is a professional sportsman, so work that out sweetie!
and as for there being no ladies left, you may speak for yourself but not for the rest of us, There are no ladies left in France because the french riff raff chopped their heads off!