sweet sassy, time to move the rent money.
Well it's likely it would go up another ~2 pesos tomorrow to about 139/140 (WU rate is updated daily between 3pm and 5 pm based on some average of the start of day trading value and mid-day value). There is a pressure on the Dolar liqui which is used as a reference price for WU as the government seems to be cracking down on 'las cuevas' y 'los arbolitos' in microcentro. On top of this, the sale of 'legal' dollar (dolar ahorro) is suspended for at lease a few more days as banks are having technical issues complying with the new rules by the BCRA. Is the rate going to go up much higher than 140? Idk but I think 140 is a very very good rate so yes jump on it if you can.