Can't we all just get along and share a Fugazzeta together?
Is it made in Argentina and can we buy it in 12 quotas without interest?
Can't we all just get along and share a Fugazzeta together?
It's not anymore.And yet she is the president of a G20 country, but for you, writing on BAexpats and having a steak as a profile picture she is not inteligent. Ok.
Is Pravda similar to Prada or LV?Those are not valid arguments, we are not talking about integrity of components in the industry and the best you can do is come out with "She wears Pravda"?. Have a good day.
Those are not valid arguments, we are not talking about integrity of components in the industry and the best you can do is come out with "She wears Pravda"?. Have a good day.
Those are not valid arguments, we are not talking about integrity of components in the industry and the best you can do is come out with "She wears Pravda"?. Have a good day.
It seems being a president of a country means you cannot possibly be an idiot, or at least do idiotic things. I will never give automatic respect to anyone because of a title, surely it has to be earned, so yeah she is an idiot and is (with the backup of history) running this G20 country into the ground while making herself and her cohorts very rich indeed. Oh wait, maybe not such an idiot after all.
Yes indeed. I was headed for a business meeting the other day wearing an 800.00 USD pair of Ballys and stepped in 10 cent pile of dog shit that a 50 USD dog dropped on a 200USD sidewalk while being walked by a 2 USD whore.I'll have a liter of Quilmes with my fugazetta.
I am amused that somebody finds shoes that cost under $200 US expensive.
Jimmy Choo's, or Loboutins routinely sell for 4 to ten times that much.
George W. Bush has over 60 pairs of cowboy boots that cost, at a minimum, $800 or so US dollars each.
A decent pair of Red Wing steel toed work boots in the USA goes for around $300- thats 4200 pesos at the blue- and believe me, trophy wives dont wear steel toed Red Wings.
There are a lot of men in europe and the USA who routinely spend much more than 2500 pesos on shoes- a pair of made to order John Lobb shoes in London these days start somewhere in the $4000 US range.