allcraz said:
Been here since early 2007. Have spoken positively and negatively on this forum of a city I have come to dearly love. I met my husband early on, and we never talked about making a move to the States. Never. We were happy here. We still are if we can manage to momentarily separate ourselves from all the chaos the government continues to throw at us (and everyone). We have a good life here. Family (his), friends, property, my job. He was let go after 15 years at a bank a little over a year ago and has really struggled to find something since then. I'm just wondering if there are people in our boat who have either made the move after doubting it or are currently having doubts while planning an escape route just in case? I read about everyone who can't wait to leave and who is planning to leave, but we haven't taken that mental jump yet. I guess it's really hard to picture us in the States. Just for more info, any potential move would be to Austin, Texas, back closer to my family and safety and the Hill Country and oh the list could go on. But I'll be honest. I don't picture us there. I'm worried about his English (decent but extremely far from fluent), about work, about him missing his country, family and friends even though he says he's ready for a change...
Anyway, I've just been really torn. You would think I would be excited that the Argie is the one ready to leave and make a life near MY home, but I'm nervous, and if you've been there too, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
First of all, congratulations on the news of the baby. You will find that is probably the greatest thing you will ever do (become a parent). It totally changed my life and is my greatest job in life being a parent. So congrats on that front!
Here is my take and 2 cents on this. You can have a great quality of life in both places. I lived in Argentina since 2003 and only moved out last year. I had a great quality of life in Argentina.
I had wonderful life long true friends in Buenos Aires. I had wonderful family (my wife's family) living there. We owned our property outright and lived in a great place in a great part of town. We had a full time maid that made life easier doing all the laundry, all the cleaning everyday, cooked all the meals, went to the dry cleaners for me, paid bills, etc.
When we moved out, I wasn't one of those bitter people that was antsy and anxious to move back to the USA. I truly loved many aspects of Argentina but things just started annoying me. Back then there weren't even all the restriction and controls that there are now. But I felt they were coming soon..which we can see came true.
The big wildcard and motivating factor for me to move was having kids. My kids were both born in Argentina and it will always be a special place to all of us.
But I started also noticing an uptick in crime and more and more friends report things happening to them. I honestly didn't want to have to worry about something happening to my kids and that is what got me motivated to move back to the USA.
I grew up in the big house with the white picket fence and I also wanted to give that to my kids. It's almost impossible to have that without going far outside of Buenos Aires which I had NO desire to do.
In both places you have great quality healthcare if you have a great insurance plan. So on that point you can get great quality healthcare both in the USA and Argentina.
I think the key thing to do is map out on paper a good game plan and best case and worst case scenarios for both staying and leaving and living in the USA.
For the USA, the economy is still poor and the job market is not great with high unemployment. The realistic downside for you will be you have no experience in your degree. You mentioned "your job" but I'm not sure how it relates to your degree. But you're going to be competing with many qualified and experienced people in this job market. There are many people with Masters degrees that are unemployed and these people have lots of experience.
Your husband sounds like he has experience but again, the job market is poor. I'm not sure how strong his background is but just make sure you have a good game plan for moving back to the USA and have plenty of savings.
If you are both unemployed and have a child coming, it's going to be essential to get private insurance and a good insurance plan is not cheap in the USA. I own my own company so I self-insure here in the USA and it's not cheap at all. But the quality of care I feel is head and shoulders above Argentina.
I think the USA is one of those places where if you have a solid job or lots of savings or cash flow from's probably one of the best places in the world to raise a family with affordable quality of life all things considered. But it's one of the worst places to live if you don't have a job or any savings.
Austin is probably one of the best cities to live if you have to live in Texas as far as scenery goes. Also, real estate there isn't too expensive. And no state income taxes in Texas so that's always nice. But if you can't find a job then income taxes are a moot point.
There are problems in both places but I definitely would rather deal with the problems in the USA vs. Argentina. It just became not only a better quality of life issue but also safety issue and I didn't want to raise kids with the increased crime.
I don't regret my decision to move to the USA. We go back to Argentina for only holidays now and much prefer it that way.