In Italy they used to eat cats some 50 years ago.
They also currently eat rabbits, horses, snails (both sea and land snails) and frogs.
Sounds like france today
In Italy they used to eat cats some 50 years ago.
They also currently eat rabbits, horses, snails (both sea and land snails) and frogs.
....don't make rude assumptions about my character.
I'm was hoping that it could. Cats can jump pretty high. This one tried but didn't make it.If there's no way it can jump up the fence, why the hell are you chasing it about. I would love you to save this thread and read it again in about 3 months, I think you'll see you come off like a total nutjob! It's a cat for feck's sake.
Are you kidding? You're an ass----, and you need to be denounced and possibly prosecuted. The things that you're doing are cruel and not legal. What the hell is the matter with you? Put some heavy clothes and gloves on, pick the cat up, and bring it to a vet or a shelter.
People like you should be castrated.
Are you kidding? You're an ass----, and you need to be denounced and possibly prosecuted. The things that you're doing are cruel and not legal. What the hell is the matter with you? Put some heavy clothes and gloves on, pick the cat up, and bring it to a vet or a shelter.
People like you should be castrated.
What is cruel and illegal are pet owner who are not prepared, able, or responsible enough to maintain their pets! A house cat should not end up in a position like this if the owner is doing what he should. A cat gone feral; how did it get feral? By itself?
Feral cat's don't happen without the ignorance of an owner who has no idea how to take care of an animal, NOR understands the moral and legal responsibilities. House cats who wander into the property of a neighbor should be fined and/or prosecuted for not observing proper controls for the benefit and protection of the animal and neighbors alike.
The OP has a right to expect that his neighbors will control their pets. In the case of a feral cat, then the municipality is responsible; however THIS municipality is clearly clueless and has no resources to solve the issue. Doesn't seem to be an neighbor knocking on doors to claim their cat. So why should the onus be on the OP???
It can't get out, let my dog chase it for a while but am not sure if it has rabies or not and don't want to risk him getting hurt. We managed to corner it and I gave it a can of raid cochroach spray point blank but it didn't appear to do anything.
I tried sticking a coat hanger in an extension cord tied to the end of a broomstick but couldn't manage to touch it and ended up tripping the breaker. Any ideas on how to get rid of it? I don't want to get too close in case it is rabid. I've been blasting it with the hose for the last couple of hours but it doesn't seem to be doing anything
Another psycho.
Who says the cat is feral? And what exactly do you know about cats, apart from the fact that you don't like them? Cat owner's legal responsibilities? What exactly are those?
Have you ever noticed the thousands of heartbreaking signs posted by pet owners who've lost their dog or cat? Do you know how far a scared pet can travel once separated from its owner? Do you think all these owners want to suffer the devastating pain of losing a family member (that's right, a family member, just like the one you're holding in your cutesy photo).
Pets get separated from their owners. It's a horrible fact of life, and it's not something done on purpose.
Your insensitivity and lack of understanding and compassion are beyond my comprehension. Moreover, they really don't fit here in Argentina, where animals truly are part of the family.
Seriously, what's wrong with you?
You through those trite accusations out pretty liberally. I am no "psycho", and I'll thank you to leave my family out of this. Seems that you are reacting emotionally without regard to facts or law. Check yourself, the only psycho is the one who goes on without considering the situation, facts, and law.
I presented an argument for the benefit of the animal. Owners DO have responsibilities and any court of law would prosecute an owner for not observing those responsibilities. If an neighbors pet wanders onto my property, harms any human or animal on my property; the owner would be liable for this intrusion. If not a cat... say a pet snake slides onto my property and attacks my child or my pet; it's my right to act accordingly. It wound up there because of the negligence of a human owner. (example).
If you want to keep a cat. Go many as you like, but keep them out of my yard or there's going to be a problem. If your cats get out and cause harm to any person or animal, or damage any part of my property; I would take legal action and prove that the owner is unfit and/or negligent to the welfare of the animal and a risk to neighbors.
As for if it is feral. Doesn't matter, it's still an invasive animal, however the responsibility is that of the municipality animal control.
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