Wild Cat In Back Yard

This reminds me of the time I decided to have an "interesting" party. I invited some friends who are NRA members and some folks I know from PETA. I served venison. :lol:

Did they find common ground in belonging to two of the most ugly and obnoxious political organizations operating in the US today?
what about barking dogs 24/7 of the vecino.

what is the law?
Rabies in Buenos Aires? Highly doubtful. The last reported case of rabies in Buenos Aires was 2008 -- and previous to that they hadn't had any since 1981. That being said, the BATS in the city can carry the disease so if your crazy feral cat got it's hands on a bat it is possible

I wonder if the OP would have the balls to tell a vet to his face the various methods of torture that he tried to get the cat to leave.

Plus they are very alert on rabies here. I am currently undergoing an anti-rabies treatment because a stray cat I was trapping to sterilize bite me hard on the finger. The poor thing was scared, and I mishandled the situation. It was a cat I petted for months on the outside, but taken outside her environment and put in a room with walls and a ceiling set her crazy. At zoonosis they wanted me to take the cat back 5 times for observation, I have to take 5 shots of anti-rabies as precautions. The cat has not rabies, she would have been dead by now. She was just scared. But at the Zoonosis they were pretty serious about the whole stuff. Rabies is a thing they watch out for, and at the hospital I saw a few people people being vaccinated for rabies before me because they were bitten by random dogs.

I do think, indeed, that you are a psycho.
First of all, you went chemical on the poor thing, and in the most cruel way possible. I wonder if this cat can see after you sprayed him/her with venom in the eyes, I can only imagine the pain and the scare you caused. Personally, I wouldn't sleep well at night if I did such a thing on another mammal.

Second, the cat was not attacking you, was not ruining your property, was not being a nuisance, so you going ballistic is entirely on you. You just met a cat in difficulty in your property, and decided to exterminate it.

Finally, I heavily doubt of your judgment because it is extremely clear that you do not know cats at all. In fact, you can't even recognize a stray cat from a feral cat.
There is a huge difference between the two, and given the description you gave of the animal, and considering you are living in a city, it is most likely a stray cat. Stray cats are inoffensive, cats are the kinds of animals who manifest violence against humans only if attacked.

So please STOP HURTING AND HARMING THE CAT, offer him a way out, let him rest so that he can take the jump and go away.

Have you considered the cat could be hurt because he fell on your property?!

I am still available to come and take the cat.
what about barking dogs 24/7 of the vecino.

what is the law?
page 3 @ "Controversia por la tenencia de perros en los consorcios de propiedad horizontal".

This is an opinion on behalf of the publisher, but does offer some insight to existing or contested laws on the matter.
Are pest animals a problem? Certainly are, and a feral pest cat should be removed in the same way as any other. By that I mean killing a pest cat should encite the same emotions as killing a pest rat, I do however understand there are different social reasons why it is not the same. However, killing of the cat should be a last resort, and with numerous options for removing cats (as opposed to rats or cockroaches) you should never reach the state of killing it. The fact the OP didn't even attempt to remove it or even kill it humanely is reprehensible. Spraying it in the face with RAID? What did the OP think would happen, the cat would die, run away from a garden he said it could not escape from? Hosing it, what would that do if it could not escape? Setting the dog on it when it could not escape? Those things must have been attempted with the intention of killing the cat in a horrible way.

I am not going to go all, animals, man, how could you? Yet still, that's pretty screwed up stuff that normal people don't do, or am I wrong?
It can't get out, let my dog chase it for a while but am not sure if it has rabies or not and don't want to risk him getting hurt. We managed to corner it and I gave it a can of raid cochroach spray point blank but it didn't appear to do anything.

Is there a animal control here I could call? I tried sticking a coat hanger in an extension cord tied to the end of a broomstick but couldn't manage to touch it and ended up tripping the breaker. Any ideas on how to get rid of it? I don't want to get too close in case it is rabid. I've been blasting it with the hose for the last couple of hours but it doesn't seem to be doing anything

When I read this post thought just a troll..But wait ! What a brutallity! Give a shot of cockroach spray pointe blank! The only animal control to be called is for you ! Why the cruelty? Iam pretty sure you won't be joining the angels up there but more likely burning down under, and that place is not Australia !
Shoot the damn cat and all you bleeding hearts can attend its funeral....... i love all animals mostly on my dinner plate(not cat thou)
2 words to the op AIR RIFLE
On a related note i'm blown away by the definition of psycho behavior.....how do you think they got rid of pumas and.... i dunno.... indians around here lol