You Know You're In Argentina When.....

Actually there are different types of Argentine pizza. There's the one that you can get in places like Kentucky (lmao) which is cut into traditional slices but the crust seems to be made with tons of butter and people eat it with fork and knife . That's the one people must complain about all the time. There's however one kind that has a thin crust and seems much better. The only downside is the fact that toppings are either too plain or too strange (either ham only or some mixture of chopped hard boiled eggs with olives and who know what else). I've enjoyed pizza in Uruguay a lot and recently discovered there's a place on Corrientes that sells Uruguayan pizza.
When they eat pizza with fork & knife.
Do you know a place, where people do not eat pizza with knife and fork? Please advise so I can stay away from Barbaristan.

When you struggle to find plain yogurt.
I buy mine in one liter bottles (AR$ 16/each) in the nearest dietetica, 2 blocks away.

When the asado is grissel charcoal on outside and rare inside ...
When the parrella is straight meat to the fire (no marinade no pasting, no sauces, no aging .. etc etc) nothing.
Nothing? we in the know use salt and that is tasty - if you know how to use a churrasquera or chulengo, that is, or else you end up with a slab of burnt and boiled cellulose.

When mango is hard to find.
When it is hard to find dill, basil, and I don't know how "sage" is called here ...
Common sage is salvia. Buy your vegetables- including soft mango - in a verdulería, never in a supermarket. Find name on en.wikipedia, find langueage in left coloumn, e.g. 'Español', click. http://en.wikipedia....via_officinalis -> http://es.wikipedia....via_officinalis

When it is hard 2 find really good old stinky cheese.
Thank doG it ain't easy. Place dog poo under table, smells better.

When u miss bacon with your morning breakfast eggs.
A suggestion: You could buy some.
A simple search for "bacon" on BAexpats yields the following plus much more:
The guy who organises the Bacon logistics is called Lucas -
When You need to show on a teddy bear where the people on the crowded bus touched you
When they put olives on almost every pizza yet never take the pits out.

What is with that? Are we actually supposed to dig the olives out of the melted cheese and then eat them separately?
When they eat pizza with fork & knife.
Do you know a place, where people do not eat pizza with knife and fork? Please advise so I can stay away from Barbaristan.

When you struggle to find plain yogurt.
I buy mine in one liter bottles (AR$ 16/each) in the nearest dietetica, 2 blocks away.

When the asado is grissel charcoal on outside and rare inside ...
When the parrella is straight meat to the fire (no marinade no pasting, no sauces, no aging .. etc etc) nothing.
Nothing? we in the know use salt and that is tasty - if you know how to use a churrasquera or chulengo, that is, or else you end up with a slab of burnt and boiled cellulosis.

When mango is hard to find.
When it is hard to find dill, basil, and I don't know how "sage" is called here ...
Common sage is salvia. Buy your vegetables in a verdulería, never in a supermarket. Find name on en.wikipedia, find langueage in left coloumn, e.g. 'Español', click.
https://en.wikipedia...iki/Common_sage ->https://es.wikipedia...via_officinalis

When it is hard 2 find really good old stinky cheese.
Thank doG it ain't.

When u miss bacon with your morning breakfast eggs.
A suggestion: You could buy some.
The guy that organises the Bacon logistics is called Lucas -
I must be a heathen as I eata pizza witha fork and knife.
As well as empanadas, burgers and other such delicacies.
It was my understanding that hands were the preferred method by most eaters of that particular snack sized treat.