You Know You're Living In A 3Rd World Country When...

I've finally figured out why I don't like the general atmosphere of this site. It's because it's filled with filthy rich libertarian yankees who are just living in a country that they seem to hate because it's cheap for them. Meanwhile the actual Argentinians are seeing the peso devaluing and it is getting harder and harder to survive in their own country. Argentina is not the United States. People are in poverty because the government and economy are in shambles. Don't blame the people -whose country you are exploiting for your own personal luxury- for not "working hard enough" for success...I'm pretty sure that no matter how hard you work in this country, you still don't get paid according to inflation..
You guys are why everyone hates North Americans, because of your selfish, small-minded, anti-socialist, miserable, hateful and lonely opinions of the world around you. I for one am making it a goal upon moving to Argentina to not talk with any Americans if I can help it and not speak English. I speak castellano, I'm friends with locals, why in the hell would I ever want to associate myself with such a miserable group of people. Sure, I like things about my American culture, because it's my own. But that doesn't mean I'm going to move here and start getting all bitter and imperialist about it.
That is a great plan. I guess this is the last we will hear from you. So have a good year. Bye bye
I've finally figured out why I don't like the general atmosphere of this site. It's because it's filled with filthy rich libertarian yankees who are just living in a country that they seem to hate because it's cheap for them. Meanwhile the actual Argentinians are seeing the peso devaluing and it is getting harder and harder to survive in their own country. Argentina is not the United States. People are in poverty because the government and economy are in shambles. Don't blame the people -whose country you are exploiting for your own personal luxury- for not "working hard enough" for success...I'm pretty sure that no matter how hard you work in this country, you still don't get paid according to inflation..
You guys are why everyone hates North Americans, because of your selfish, small-minded, anti-socialist, miserable, hateful and lonely opinions of the world around you. I for one am making it a goal upon moving to Argentina to not talk with any Americans if I can help it and not speak English. I speak castellano, I'm friends with locals, why in the hell would I ever want to associate myself with such a miserable group of people. Sure, I like things about my American culture, because it's my own. But that doesn't mean I'm going to move here and start getting all bitter and imperialist about it.

This has got to be one of the most inane rants that I've ever read on this site, particularly since it's made by someone who's not even in Argentina. Or, perhaps, it's really just kind of joke post. Whether one or the other, it's truly asinine.
This has got to be one of the most inane rants that I've ever read on this site, particularly since it's made by someone who's not even in Argentina. Or, perhaps, it's really just kind of joke post. Whether one or the other, it's truly asinine.

Maybe it's because it's Halloween and he's gone bat crazy. I could rant all I want to about living in economically broke Greece, but hey, I don't even live there.
He's a she, and only 18 years old. Posted a HUGE amount of queries here before. Check the name change. And now responds to a thread from two years ago, with great vehemence....that's gratitude for you!

angry young woman!

even worse!

I've finally figured out why I don't like the general atmosphere of this site. It's because it's filled with filthy rich libertarian yankees who are just living in a country that they seem to hate because it's cheap for them. Meanwhile the actual Argentinians are seeing the peso devaluing and it is getting harder and harder to survive in their own country. Argentina is not the United States. People are in poverty because the government and economy are in shambles. Don't blame the people -whose country you are exploiting for your own personal luxury- for not "working hard enough" for success...I'm pretty sure that no matter how hard you work in this country, you still don't get paid according to inflation..
You guys are why everyone hates North Americans, because of your selfish, small-minded, anti-socialist, miserable, hateful and lonely opinions of the world around you. I for one am making it a goal upon moving to Argentina to not talk with any Americans if I can help it and not speak English. I speak castellano, I'm friends with locals, why in the hell would I ever want to associate myself with such a miserable group of people. Sure, I like things about my American culture, because it's my own. But that doesn't mean I'm going to move here and start getting all bitter and imperialist about it.

Gosh talk about a self loathing American.. ever heard of the shadow concept?

People don't just pick a place because it's cheap - maybe that's a benefit if you have dollars - but what idiot would stay in a place that they hated if they had the opportunity to leave and nothing AT ALL to keep them here or that they felt in any way obligated to stay with?

OP says "I'm going to move here"... well are you here or are you not? And where are you planning to stay and hang out so I can do my best to avoid those places.
He's a she, and only 18 years old. Posted a HUGE amount of queries here before. Check the name change. And now responds to a thread from two years ago, with great vehemence....that's gratitude for you!

Ha ha, has Naty/<whatever her other id was> decided to come back to BAExpats? I wonder how that degree plan is coming along at UBA?
I've finally figured out why I don't like the general atmosphere of this site. It's because it's filled with filthy rich libertarian yankees who are just living in a country that they seem to hate because it's cheap for them. Meanwhile the actual Argentinians are seeing the peso devaluing and it is getting harder and harder to survive in their own country. Argentina is not the United States. People are in poverty because the government and economy are in shambles. Don't blame the people -whose country you are exploiting for your own personal luxury- for not "working hard enough" for success...I'm pretty sure that no matter how hard you work in this country, you still don't get paid according to inflation..
You guys are why everyone hates North Americans, because of your selfish, small-minded, anti-socialist, miserable, hateful and lonely opinions of the world around you. I for one am making it a goal upon moving to Argentina to not talk with any Americans if I can help it and not speak English. I speak castellano, I'm friends with locals, why in the hell would I ever want to associate myself with such a miserable group of people. Sure, I like things about my American culture, because it's my own. But that doesn't mean I'm going to move here and start getting all bitter and imperialist about it.

how would you feel if someone told you this exact same thing about the US without even living here. And PS the economy isn't that bad in the way your describing it...
I've finally figured out why I don't like the general atmosphere of this site. It's because it's filled with filthy rich libertarian yankees who are just living in a country that they seem to hate because it's cheap for them.

Perhaps you could name a few (just to provide a little support for your assertion) and also give any reason(s) you can imagine why "filthy rich libertarian yankees " (if there actually are any) would "hate living in Argentina because it's cheap for them."

Meanwhile the actual Argentinians are seeing the peso devaluing and it is getting harder and harder to survive in their own country. Argentina is not the United States. People are in poverty because the government and economy are in shambles. Don't blame the people -whose country you are exploiting for your own personal luxury- for not "working hard enough" for success...I'm pretty sure that no matter how hard you work in this country, you still don't get paid according to inflation..

Do you have any idea why some "actual" people in Argentina are living in (relative) poverty? Is it really because the government is in shambles? Do you have any idea why the peso is "devaluing?" Do you have any idea what actually causes inflation?

And how exactly are any expats "exploiting" Argentina for their personal luxury (whatever that means)?" Why would anyone who is "filthy rich" need to exploit anyone (though you may believe that's how they became "filthy rich" in the first place) and why would anyone who is filthy rich" want to live in Argentina?

You guys are why everyone hates North Americans, because of your selfish, small-minded, anti-socialist, miserable, hateful and lonely opinions of the world around you. I for one am making it a goal upon moving to Argentina to not talk with any Americans if I can help it and not speak English. I speak castellano, I'm friends with locals, why in the hell would I ever want to associate myself with such a miserable group of people.

If you are basing your believe that all Americans in Argentina are "libertarian yankees" on posts you have read in the forum you seem to have missed quite a few who claim to be quite the opposite.

If "everyone hates North Americans, because of (our) selfish, small-minded, anti-socialist, miserable, hateful and lonely opinions of the world around (us)" I have yet to see any evidence of this hatred where I live. Most Argentines I meet find it difficult to believe that I would choose to live in Argentina when I have the right to live in the USA. They don't want to live there because they think it is a socialist paradise. They already live in one.

Sure, I like things about my American culture, because it's my own. But that doesn't mean I'm going to move here and start getting all bitter and imperialist about it.

Speaking of culture (and socialism), it's still Saturday morning in Miami. Perhaps your favorite cartoon programs are almost over, so here's one more that you might be able to identify with:

PS: There are much better places in the world than Argentina for "filthy rich libertarian expats" to live, particularly because (by definition) they don't have to look for a place that's cheap...or stay for long in any place they hate.
I was going to ask to the forum if remebering of a poster once called " La Chica Argentina"?
If I recall, she hated "camberiu" so much because he, according to her bad mouth Argentina constantly.?

This poster reminds me of her so much...She hates all "extranjeros" living in Bs As. IMHO...Is she or isn't she?