Anyone Going To The World Cup?

oh ffs.

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Will have to watch the local coverage.

Can't believe ITV!
Ridiculous odds for Brazil-Croatia (1.28/10 vs 9.25/10). Quite EV++ to bet on Croatia (if they were to play 100 times this game, they'll win at least 30/35 of them = much more experienced team, better midfielders but slow defenders).

I guess those odds are pretty accurate if the officials are going to hand it to Brazil on a plate.
Brazilian team is too unexperienced (just 3 players have a strong xp in int'l games).
They really don't play well under the pressure (when the score got 1:1 + during the last 7 minutes when the Croats were on fire).

Fake penal, goal opportunity voided, eventually red card for last defender around min. 57.... Croats weren't lucky with the ref :rolleyes:
Disappointing game by Brazil... the Croats surprised everyone we were watching with. Would have been pretty cool if they pulled it off, although at least civil war was averted!

So back to my OP...anyone else going to the WC?!?
I watched the whole game from start to finish.

Jesus, who bribed the refs? That was just painfully blatant. It was like they decided before the game that Brazil was going to win, and then did whatever they had to do in order to make Brazil win. Voided what was obviously a legitimate Croat goal, penalised the wrong player, you name it.

I wish I'd watched the Las Leonas game instead.