Arriving In November: Hello And Advice Welcome!

Thanks for the info! I will be sure to stock up on my gear/equipment before I leave and make sure to have my fill of sushi for awhile. I think there will be enough amazing grilled meat around that I won't miss the sushi too much. There's a ton of great info on these forums and I'm happy to be a part of the community. If no one throws a traditional American Thanksgiving, I just might have to organize one!

If you want to organize a Thanksigiving dinner here I know it would well appreciated by many expats here. However, you'll have to bring your own Krusteax instant pie crust, evaporated milk, Libby's Pumpking Pie Filling, All-Spice, Cranberries, Stove Top Stuffing, etc.You won't find any of those ingredients here and if you find them plan on paying three times as much.
They must sell it all in Mendoza then ... hard to believe you that can't get good meat in BsAs.
She said "Amazing Meat" and honestly I haven't had amazing meat here in 6 years +. Its all feed lot stuff. Unless you go out of your way to find a supplier. Frankly I get better meat in Florida.
She said "Amazeing Meat" and honestly I haven't had amazing meat here in 6 years +. Its all feed lot stuff. Unless you go out of your way to find a supplier. Frankly I get better meat in Florida.
Bummer ... looks like there are huge regional differences in meat quality then. I have absolutely no complains here. Very good quality at the local small town butcher shop. And also several restaurants in downtown Mendoza have great meat.
Yep, I've never found the quality of meat here to be anywhere close to the rumors I'd heard. Disappointing.

My expectations were also very high, and I have been thoroughly disappointed with the Argentinian meat so far. I think the taxation of meat for export and the incentives for soy planting have pretty much killed the Argentinian meat industry.
Noise, pollution, crime, homicidal drivers, subway strikes, highway and other road interruptions/occupations by whiners demanding more welfare or other "accomodations", very high inflation, rudeness galore, crappy public transportation, and, most important, inability to purchase dollars at the official rate...have you thought this over carefully?

You might want to consider's like Argentina but nicer and more civilized.
Bummer ... looks like there are huge regional differences in meat quality then. I have absolutely no complains here. Very good quality at the local small town butcher shop. And also several restaurants in downtown Mendoza have great meat.
You are in fair. I will bet that there are some regional distinctions. But honestly the meat in BA is getting worse by the month.
What could make the beef not as good here? Maybe some of us are just connoisseurs because I hear they can't make pizza here and I think I live in Pizza Heaven here where I am. But isn't a cow a cow? Maybe Brahmas are better than milk cows? I don't know. Just asking. I do know that if you put beef in a feed lot, pour the feed to it and kill it on the gain it will have more marbled fat in the meat and since that's what they do in the U.S. I wonder if that's what y'all look for. But that's bad for your health. They also give them hormones to make it happen and antibiotics to keep them from getting sick and you get all that. Well . . . puzzling . . .
Welcome folks!!!! i hope you have a great time here!!and as always we stray from the subject which was to welcome you here and last but not least the thanksgiving celebration....... any chance of apple pie??? once again im getting closer anddd closer to sell my soul for apple pie!!!!!!!
Ex Sanfran bay area resident here,(yes where women are tough and men are pretty,got kicked out for not being pretty enough)