Cfk Orgullosa: Argentina Es El País Que Más Consume Gaseosa!

This can't be right. This means that Argentines consume on average 11.4 liters of soda per month (that is EACH PERSON). Where are they drinking this much soda that I am not seeing it? I see people drinking mate on the plazas, not coca-cola.

Argentina being a leading consumer of carbonated soft drinks was first noted back in 2013. Nevertheless, I don't doubt the statistics, for I have witnessed many, many friends, of all ages, drinking massive amounts of carbonated drinks, especially Coke and Pepsi, diet or sugared, for quite a few years now. In fact, yesterday a friend mentioned that in his household of six, they consume approximately two or three liters per day of carbonated soft drinks. Also, last week I had four Argentine friends over for dinner, during which time they consumed two 1.5 liter bottles of Diet Coke.
Is coca cola not a yankee corporation? I thought the campora were telling us no to a yankee corporation golpe. :blink:


but please send more coke syrup!
Is coca cola not a yankee corporation? I thought the campora were telling us no to a yankee corporation golpe. :blink:


but please send more coke syrup!

Coca Cola may be a "Yanqui" corporation, but it is definitely not a "Yankee" company. All states south of the Mason-Dixon line consider the label Yankee to be something of an insult.
What? Are you seriously going to defend this absurdity? Increased Coca Cola consumption is indicative of an economic recovery?

These are very low standards...

Well, it is indeed an indicator. Probably not the best one, but as I said in this case reflects pretty accurately the recovery the economy experimented since 2003. I remember the boom of these new brands. In fact, despite the title of this thread, a relatively high percentage of those who abandoned Coca Cola in 2002 never returned and still consume these brands, but in this case has nothing to do with any crisis, they just like better these sodas.

So, the return to Coca Cola in lots of families that almost had nothing to eat it can be seen as a triumph, as a luxury they can have. Then we can talk how bad or not healthy the Coca Cola is (is it forbidden in any place of the world?), which of course I concur that Coca Cola is not so healthy. But to the poor people..... lets allow them to have some joy. And believe me, Coca Cola is for them what a good Malbec represents to us.
And believe me, Coca Cola is for them what a good Malbec represents to us.

But one must be a better indicator of economic activity than the other, no?

Pronto comenzará la cosecha y, apremiado por los plazos, mañana el Gobierno mendocino saldrá a comprar vino para sacar el excedente del mercado. El mandatario provincial, Francisco Pérez, manifestó su preocupación por la situación que atraviesa una de las actividades económicas locales más importantes.
