Cfk: Us Preparing To Kill Me And Topple My Govt

The very idea that KFC is NOT off the rails, is off the rails itself.
Unfortunately there are some pretty rigid import restrictions, bit of a Catch 22 with CFK conducting the orchestra
I would recommend psychotropics para todos - just throw them in with the fluoride. If this is beyond the capacity of domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers then paco will do.
I would recommend psychotropics para todos - just throw them in with the fluoride. If this is beyond the capacity of domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers then paco will do.

Mmmm paco. I'm moving back!
I think some of us are missing the point.

Yes, the United States has played an role in shaping Argentina
in the past, but the reason why we're claiming she's actually
slipping in to various degrees of psychosis is because of the
intensity of her claims.

1) Why assassinate her? She's going to be gone living in the Seychelles
in a year anyways.

2) Cables leaked from the Embassy show only a very mild interest in
Argentine affairs. The way Cristina portrays it, it's as if all we/the government
does is eat, sleep, drink Argentina. As I've said before, how many times have
you been asked something about Arge/BsAs and it being in Brazil by other

3) Trade wars by proxy. Sure, China and Russia are looking to Argentina
for imports/exports, but this is not overlapping with US interests. For one,
all of us know how expensive/difficult it is to get products from USA in to
Arge, and when we return home, how uncommon it is to see AR products
available for purchase. For me, Blueberries from Patagonia is the only
one I've seen.

4) The opposition isn't saying she's out of touch just because they're
the opposition. They're saying it because this is the type of language
Chavez used when he was saying shit like how the US probably gave
him cancer. Just because you're a head of state and a nation has in
the past meddled in your internal affairs, does not mean all your
theories and conspiracies hold weight. It's 2014, US interests are in
China, Syria/Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan, and Central America. Trying
to intervene in Argentine affairs would be a wast of resources and
diplomatic energy. There's nothing for the US in Argentina really.
This conspiracy would make more sense if the head of it was
the UK. At least then there is some foundation to back up
interest in the affairs of the nation.
Matias have you explained why Argentina did not win the World Cup despite it being set up so they would?
I think US hegemony trumped the old school European cloak and dagger machinations of FIFA. Regardless, Matias, as a member of the property owning elite, would you be prepared to cede me your BA apartment rent free until I put my life back together? It was after all partly your fault that I lost everything betting on the 'sure thing' that was Argentina's rigged world cup victory.
I think some of us are missing the point.

Yes, the United States has played an role in shaping Argentina
in the past, but the reason why we're claiming she's actually
slipping in to various degrees of psychosis is because of the
intensity of her claims.
I think you have missed several points. Again, no one here is claiming that these ramblings have a foundation in truth (well except for exhibit A) what we are saying is that they cater to a longstanding widespread world view (in fact many of those in Argentina calling CFK loca would lap those same words up if they came out of a different mouth) and so they have a logic to them. Calling her psychotic or all her followers idiots doesn't get to the root of the problem, its just beauty salon talk, a form of group therapy designed to assuage the minds of the chattering classes until the next boludo is elected in another festival of denial and euphoria - something else that has a much storied history here.

But go ahead indulge if it helps, I prefer paco.
3) Trade wars by proxy. Sure, China and Russia are looking to Argentina
for imports/exports, but this is not overlapping with US interests. For one,
all of us know how expensive/difficult it is to get products from USA in to
Arge, and when we return home, how uncommon it is to see AR products
available for purchase. For me, Blueberries from Patagonia is the only
one I've seen.

Well, there's this:
Steve. You are part of the problem.

You are not Ann O'Connor, you do not need to reply, do you? You are not provoked here, just knee jerking.
In other news, in a bold move reminiscent of Lady Di fondling the lepers...
Santiago Vera Returns to BA! walk through the shadow of the valley of the Stenoblauch Symbiosis.