Cfk: Us Preparing To Kill Me And Topple My Govt

The United States had greater interests in Argentina and the rest of the world during the cold war when opposing communists seemed like a pressing problem.

Unless Argentina converts to radical Islam and relocates next to 40% of the world's seaborne oil in the Persian Gulf, it is safe from the defense of 'American interests.'
It's clear that she displays all the classic paranoia of a dictator.
Chavez for one, was constantly harping on about attempts on his life, even when he got the big C, he thought it was a CIA conspiracy.
The fact that her weird psychoses even get air time is a wonder, but then what else would we have to ramble about?
I think you have missed several points. Again, no one here is claiming that these ramblings have a foundation in truth (well except for exhibit A) what we are saying is that they cater to a longstanding widespread world view (in fact many of those in Argentina calling CFK loca would lap those same words up if they came out of a different mouth) and so they have a logic to them. Calling her psychotic or all her followers idiots doesn't get to the root of the problem, its just beauty salon talk, a form of group therapy designed to assuage the minds of the chattering classes until the next boludo is elected in another festival of denial and euphoria - something else that has a much storied history here.

But go ahead indulge if it helps, I prefer paco.

I think this is accurate to a large extent.

I think myself and others call her crazy because
she is literally slipping in to mental illness like Chavez did
and as I said before, I think it is honestly sad because she's
either crazy or a huge liar, frankly neither is better than the

I think your later assessment, although accurate, is very depressing.
Is Argentina doomed to vote for terrible leader after terrible leader?
I don't know, but I always feel bad for the nation and people because
mentally I can see where it can be but there is so much preventing it
from ever getting there, the old adage being Argentines themselves
being the biggest hurdle.