Cfk: Us Preparing To Kill Me And Topple My Govt

How much craziness vs astuteness can be questioned, but in the end it's a combination of the two that provides for a worst case scenario. She's crazy in the egomaniac/narcissistic sense, reflected in her policies and speeches which can fairly be described as crazy. But she knows what she's doing... the David vs Goliath story resonates with a lot of people. When you paint yourself as the underdog and victim vs the great empire, people tend to jump on board especially when you can blame a foreign entity for your problems and not have to do any introspection. The problem for CFK is that apart from the diehard CFK fans and other nationalists, people aren't really buying. They're fed up with what's happening in the here in now and despite what CFK says, a lot of the difficulties (safety, prices, restrictions) are perceived as her failures. At least with Argentina, when things get bad (honestly bad) the populace will turn against this government or whoever is in power. She's doing what she can to keep the house of cards standing. More than crazy, it's just a lot of shameless cringe-worthy manipulation and self-promotion.

Everyone is dumb at something. Having a vague idea of geopolitics and Argentina's place in the world is something many Argentines are dumb at. I know numerous people here who I would describe as intelligent who are just unable to overcome decades of being spoon fed small minded nationalism. Mix in a cultural compulsion to blame others and voila you have smart people believing crazy shit.

This is very true as well. My husband said this to me just yesterday... "The more I travel the more I see the lies that we've been told and brought to believe... and if I believed it, considering myself an intelligent person, then what about everyone else?" [I'm not exactly sure what his epiphany was based on, but it wasn't my doing.]

I think the whole "the US is trying to kill me" was a little too over the top even for K standards. My guess (hope?) is that this will be a net loss for her as she loses even more credibility to those who had their doubts or are on the fence.
It has long been known in the inner circles, and rumoured heavily in the outer circles the CFK is bipolar. The englishman who used to own 0800vino has it on authority of one of her personal doctors that he has been called various times to Olivos while she was in the grips of a mania. Now, okay, maybe mental illness shouldn't limit ones aspirations, but in a time of crisis the stress of the situation can certainly lead to some issues. All we need is for CFK to decide that now is the moment her meds are making her line of thought too cloudy and she decides to go off them. She's disappeared from the public eye for long periods during her term in office and the rumour has always been that it was for a readjustment of meds. Besides the potential bipolar condition she's also obviously got the dose of narcissism so common amongst leaders, political and otherwise. In this moment where delicate negotiation should be the path, her narcissism and (rumoured) mental health issues could truly bring down the whole government.

Let's face it, she's been off keel since Nestor's passing if not before, a worsening economic/political situation is just piling on the stress -- even the most self-controlled leaders would be losing it at this point. She only listens to a very few as well, you go against her -- or give her reason to suspect you are operating against her -- and you're going to be forced out.*

* see: Lousteau, Campos, Anibal Fernandez, Guillermo Moreno (though what a sweet deal he got, Ambassador to Italy, salary in Euros, he got the most gracious departure), Ocana (she was moved posts, was it her that got the weird transfer from Minister of Health to something with the Army?), Martin Redrado, y obvio Cobos. Scioli has been kept on the fence for ages, Sergio Massa used to be kirchnerista, now is running against and apparently has endless pits of money to campaign because he's unavoidable and we still have a long ways to go... and supposedly Kapitanich is on his way out as well.
Would you trust Cristina with nuclear weapons? Who would be worse? Cristina or the Iranians?
Remember Clarin Miente!!!

Campora has printed fake copies of Clarin with derogatory Headlines , Being distributed free at street corners
