Correo - Where Can I Read The Laws-Is It A Crime (Sis)?

Sure I read it, the bar association is deciding if they fine me or not for writing that the procedure invented by a judge is kafkiano.
Try with the description.
Post a picture of the paper you mentioned.
I will tomorrow morning as I can't find the wifi password for my phone, but it's a very standard paper for a small package (a whimsical puzzle) with a stamp on it that says i need to fill out 3579 "at the AFIP website" prior to going to Antartida.
I'll probably just go to Antartida and prepare for a foto-tour around Puerto Nuevo and the contrasting surroundings of Villa 31 in case I am turned back.
Being a foreigner doesn't make any difference in a country were foreigners and citizens have the same rights and duties.
If you don't go they are going to send it back. You loose nothing going but I suggest a different attitude than the original poster.

Baja my attitude was great for 3 weeks of trying, and foreigners don't have the same rights, I cant own a car I even paid for here. Nor anything else until ive been here long enough to get a DNI so thats a none factual statement.
In other words enter the dark world of crony corruption and get ripped off or face federal criminal prosecution for refusing to accept a good hard corruption in the back side.

I spoke to their supervisor and now have to write it all up for them. I guess they start a file if you don't know what to do if you don't have a DNI.
Baja my attitude was great for 3 weeks of trying, and foreigners don't have the same rights, I cant own a car I even paid for here. Nor anything else until ive been here long enough to get a DNI so thats a none factual statement.

When you have a DNI is automatic, otherwise you can enforce your rights at Court. I do it all the time.
That's the way it works.

Otherwise you can use simulacion licita and a contradocumento. It is legal to have the car under somebody else name with a secret document thst states it is yours. He does a power for you to use it or sell it later.
I understand but I have to have the "secret" Document, and then the "BLUE" card. I thank you for your time.
I understand but I have to have the "secret" Document, and then the "BLUE" card. I thank you for your time.

And a power of attorney that allow you to drive and sell it.
Google: simulacion licita, contradocumento.
Well, an analisys improper for a "thinker".
He dealed with how illegality works, that's it.

ROFLOL legality in Argentina LOL time for a new word.. Corrupticality which is course rule by Cronisanity! Just look at your posts in this thread! Secret ownership notes, don't complain about not getting your package. Everything you have posted so far makes me want to kiss the ground here and thank God I moved to Uruguay.
Hell I've been here for almost a month and sadly I have to return first to Bogota then the cold Michigan Weather.

Because I joined BAEXPATS before I arrived I've been able to live in BA and move around the city as if I've been here for months; the advice I have been given (and chose to follow) has been most helpful; its been a great few weeks here, luckily we were here for the birth of my wife's first grandchild on 4 January; life is good!

I have yet to had any problems with store clerks, wait staff, government officials, taxis, SUBTE, everyone who I have had a personal interaction with has been probably more friendly then back in Michigan.

What's the problem??? For me there isn't one; I am a temporary guest in a country that I don't know the intracacies of daily life or the cronyism, corruption, etc. My luggage went through the X-Ray machine, as did my camera and I-Phone and I-Pad; was told Buenos Noches to which I replied Gracias, found our driver and came directly to the apartment.

With the help of some of you I was able to get a prescription for much needed medication - by following the advice I was given; for that I am grateful. Reading some of the posts on the forums holds so true (with regards to other forums I visit) that the anonimity of a keyboard and monitor gives people the freedom to say what they wouldn't (or probably shouldn't) say face to face. I can be guilty of it as well!

Anyway Expats, thanks for being here for when I needed advice; we shall be back, next summer; see you then!
Hell I've been here for almost a month and sadly I have to return first to Bogota then the cold Michigan Weather.

Because I joined BAEXPATS before I arrived I've been able to live in BA and move around the city as if I've been here for months; the advice I have been given (and chose to follow) has been most helpful; its been a great few weeks here, luckily we were here for the birth of my wife's first grandchild on 4 January; life is good!

I have yet to had any problems with store clerks, wait staff, government officials, taxis, SUBTE, everyone who I have had a personal interaction with has been probably more friendly then back in Michigan.

What's the problem??? For me there isn't one; I am a temporary guest in a country that I don't know the intracacies of daily life or the cronyism, corruption, etc. My luggage went through the X-Ray machine, as did my camera and I-Phone and I-Pad; was told Buenos Noches to which I replied Gracias, found our driver and came directly to the apartment.

With the help of some of you I was able to get a prescription for much needed medication - by following the advice I was given; for that I am grateful. Reading some of the posts on the forums holds so true (with regards to other forums I visit) that the anonimity of a keyboard and monitor gives people the freedom to say what they wouldn't (or probably shouldn't) say face to face. I can be guilty of it as well!

Anyway Expats, thanks for being here for when I needed advice; we shall be back, next summer; see you then!

I hear you, i have met some great people too, but someone stole from me in the package from home. And they are proving a point. ND ITS A BAD POINT, the point is they make they rules, it doesnt matter whats written!