Correo - Where Can I Read The Laws-Is It A Crime (Sis)?

There are reason why even Mexicans look down on Argentinians. Your getting exposed to the corruption that has given Argentina its reputation but your exposure is just at a postage level. Imagine how far the insanity you are dealing with reaches. The entire culture is contaminated with it.

What is simply astonishing is the employees when asked if they have read the laws say " we are in Argentina" and "Im just doing as Im told", hasnt the world heard people say that before when committing crimes on behalf of leaders?

I hear people stating that same thing because you catch them when they try to cheat you. Like being here is an excuse for doing something wrong. Or how about they talk about how harsh laws are in other places compared to here, are they kidding, where else in the world do they limit the amount of times you can recieve a package from abroad?

And its to help the Argentinian industry LOL, the things they prevent you from buying overseas, are all manufactured overseas anyway, and brought back buy RICH people doing import export businesses. The only thing the laws protect are RICH business people, so poor people can only buy from abroad 2 times a year. Crazy stuff, yet its repeated constantly by people lacking the capacity for abstract thought, and brainwashed puppets.
Well I guess we expats see what they are incapable of seeing, its a pity really. And your right they are not protecting jobs or businesses they are destorying them while rich cover and protect themselves. Not only from International business competition but also from the potential that some Argentinian might might start up and compete with them. The funny part is how they defend it and back up the cronies that are crushing their lives and crippling the futures of their children. It truly is amazing to say the least.
Well I guess we expats see what they are incapable of seeing, its a pity really. And your right they are not protecting jobs or businesses they are destorying them while rich cover and protect themselves. Not only from International business competition but also from the potential that some Argentinian might might start up and compete with them. The funny part is how they defend it and back up the cronies that are crushing their lives and crippling the futures of their children. It truly is amazing to say the least.

They stimy competition, jobs, and exchange, and no tourists wants this agrevation. I cant believe they limit the amount of times yo can buy from abroad. yet the rich get around it. It only protects the RICH.
Oh i forgot the rich include politicians, doesnt it? Or are they the new royalty?
The people working for the government are the new middleclass, they steal what they want! Or at least it appears that way.
The people working for the government are the new middleclass, they steal what they want! Or at least it appears that way.

Neo is a fitting icon for you LoveGod seems your operating with eyes wide open. When the veil is pulled back on the corruption in Argentina it is shocking. But I get the impression is more a mix of stupidity with shamelessness than evil intent in most cases. I think they are just to ignorant to understand that what they are taking part in is wrong. They seem to have mental problems where morals are concerned.
But I get the impression is more a mix of stupidity with shamelessness than evil intent in most cases. I think they are just to ignorant to understand that what they are taking part in is wrong. They seem to have mental problems where morals are concerned.

But isnt that the way it is everywhere?

If the goberment says so, it must be ok. I feel like im living in the movie "Idiocracy",

At any rate I heard Police drew pistols on kids snowball fighting in the USA today. Man thats just rediculous.
There are reason why even Mexicans look down on Argentinians. Your getting exposed to the corruption that has given Argentina its reputation but your exposure is just at a postage level. Imagine how far the insanity you are dealing with reaches. The entire culture is contaminated with it.

Sorry friend, lived in Mexico. It's much worse in Mexico than here, believe it or not. They do look down on Argentines, but I can't say that they are any better, especially towards foreigners.
Today I visited immigracions, spoke with several people and they told me the AFIP supervisor who stated that she worked for immigracions commited a felony. Extortion of that sort is looked down upon by legitimate authorities and not condoned.

All they had to do was give me my mail like they are supposed to, but instead she tried to harass, blackmail, or committ extortion to get me to do as they wanted which actually violated laws here. In the interim she committed a felony.

Im still waiting for my mail by the way, they are holding it still! I guess we will see how this plays out.