Correo - Where Can I Read The Laws-Is It A Crime (Sis)?

safe travels. it seems unique problems are blown out of proportion and common sense is challenged. it sucks to be in a situation you can't control or have the understanding of local culture to accept and work out of. its just not what your used to nor will it ever, until you spend enough time in country to understand " that's just the way it is". so you got your med's, great. can we, on this site, go back to insults in English. I never learned the bad words by design.I also agree this site is my window into the argentine world.
jbhensen, I think they call that life. not always fair, just learn to work through it in he quickest more efficient method possible. but hey, if you want to show up the system,be my guest. please just post the struggle for entertainment value.
Ill do, sometimes it makes you feel better about whats going on in your life if someone else tells you their struggles LOL, you can think man, im glad im not that screwed up! TPTB are out to get him! LOL
Went back to the Correo office as the employees told us to do, they said they would now notify us by mail. So they wasted another 1 1/2 hour having us come back wait in line. They called a security guard to watch us now, we told them we were never loud or boisterous and they were yelling at us on various times but they called a useless guard to watch us.

These people hold our mail hostage, make us come back to see them then act like we are the ones being annoying, Im amazed, never thought Id see someone hold my own property hostage in order to extort something they want me to do which is illegal. I wont lie to do the paperwork they want me to do so they hold my mail.

I guess ill keep going higher writing letters. Im wont deal with oppressive people attempting to extort money or make me do something illegal. Amazed, truely.
You have now entered into a Borgesian nightmare. Time, space and reality will all take on new meanings. There is no escape, for you have set foot in el Correo Argentino.
You have now entered into a Borgesian nightmare. Time, space and reality will all take on new meanings. There is no escape, for you have set foot in el Correo Argentino.

Governments are so ready to label, yet they never label their own actions!

What would they call someone who holds their property hostage and refuses to give it to them, until they do something you want?
What would they call someone who holds their property hostage and refuses to give it to them, until they do something you want?

They would definitely be unhappy.
Oh wow, Good Read, I bet you more than 9 /10 of the Argentians dont know the truth behind that story. The Pirates got Pirated! They refused to pay a debt, then got taken to court and the Judge said you have to pay at least 20 million for your past debt.

I am truely amazed, but whats more amazing is some corrupt people, label people with names, because the people they oppress refuse to give up on their own property, or give in to opression.

What do you call someone who holds your property hostage, refuses to give it back to you until you pay a ramson, or do what they want?

At least thats what I see in the US, maybe not here, maybe Ill get all my property because im following the laws, and these people are just uneducated about their own laws. MAYBE!
What are the bad points if i do what they want, get a CUID or whatever its called, how can they use that against me later?
There are reason why even Mexicans look down on Argentinians. Your getting exposed to the corruption that has given Argentina its reputation but your exposure is just at a postage level. Imagine how far the insanity you are dealing with reaches. The entire culture is contaminated with it.