Correo - Where Can I Read The Laws-Is It A Crime (Sis)?

Sorry friend, lived in Mexico. It's much worse in Mexico than here, believe it or not. They do look down on Argentines, but I can't say that they are any better, especially towards foreigners.

But the mexicans are honest about being corrupt, more than I can say for government officials everywhere else, others pretend they are honest, yet look the other way if a government official does something. I havent been anywhere else where they tell you openly "Im corrupt" have you? LOL

I call this look the other way enforcement "selective enforcement of laws"
Gee go figure.. Last week I had some very important technology sent to me from engineers in Germany. It was here in 48 hours no questions asked. Of course I am in URU and these people are just well great uncorrupted well mannered human beings. Nothing like the animals in the ZOO across the river.
Gee go figure.. Last week I had some very important technology sent to me from engineers in Germany. It was here in 48 hours no questions asked. Of course I am in URU and these people are just well great uncorrupted well mannered human beings. Nothing like the animals in the ZOO across the river.

So where is a good place there, Higher altitude, good farm land, low population, with very few secret group members around to harass people who Love God, that just want to live in harmony with others and their environment, without getting involved in their politics or corruption???

I’m glad my stuff wasn’t expensive, and besides it comes with a guarantee that I will get what I want, one way or another.
More documentation provided today along with several witnesses to prove an AFIP official committed a crime impersonating an immigration official, and harassing my family.
Ok so I went to the "mail" today after a year or so of not doing that in Argentina.
I'll make it brief: Pretend to cry! Argies have a soft spot for grown up males feigning crying for their mail!
More effective than medialunas
throw some Christian shit in there for good measure
it works! :)
When in Argentina, EVERYTHING is personal!
Everyone a big family
Ok so I went to the "mail" today after a year or so of not doing that in Argentina.
I'll make it brief: Pretend to cry! Argies have a soft spot for grown up males feigning crying for their mail!
More effective than medialunas
throw some Christian shit in there for good measure
it works! :)
When in Argentina, EVERYTHING is personal!
Everyone a big family

You sound as though you were there when i was, or actually following me and listening to my every conversation, watching my every movement? Wait are you stalking me? :eek:

So are you saying the harassment is personal because I asked nicely for my mail after waiting 4 weeks?

Or was it to show a point, that they control me and my stuff? I already know who controls this earth. Are you saying I should react differently? not bring this evil to the light, not show others?

Because I didn’t submit, the supervisor was called in to harass me?

Are you saying that because my name here is LoveGod, I'm throwing "some Christian shit" in for good measure?

I don't have to respond to that but I will, I love God that's not just for show, or for another mans viewpoint. Its a personal choice, just as you can choose to worship Saturn, or be an atheist, if you like, not my business. I wont attack you for your choices.

Are you telling me that EVERYTHING I do or write is personal, if it impacts a member of that big family that harasses my family?

So am I supposed to be quiet, not say anything, not write anything, about anything they do?

I don't understand, when it comes to the politics, culture, ways of doing things here I’m stupid, i thought i could just follow the LAWS and be ok. If that's not the way to do things let me know I can change, :huh:

I don't have to be nice, I can give people my opinion, then beat it out of them when I want to hear it.

I used to enjoy a good fight, I've changed, but if it means the safety of my family, or a better life for them, I would change AGAIN. I can still follow Gods laws and the laws of man while doing so, but are you saying for me not to act kind?

Don't be kind to others who are treating me wrong?

Just because I believe in God doesn't mean I'm a weak man, problem is many people mistake kindness for weakness. :)

Me, I am a nobody, just trying to live in peace, harmony. Is it not possible to do so without being harassed, and hassled by everyone who's part of a big family? Even if that member is the village idiot? Does the family really want the village idiot? I understand hes their idiot, but hes a weakness in the end.

I know someone is always watching you, always there, someone always sees everything, I also know they manipulate, alter, twist facts, misrepresent, make the lies appear like facts, its whats done on this earth. I don't care, I just want to live in harmony, isn't that possible? :confused:

I don't want to offend anyone, nor any families, not my intentions. :(

They control this earth, I know that. And yes, I know God LOVES ME TOO!

I prepare for the worse, then hope for the best, either way I'm good.

Cant the thugs, the idiots of the family be controlled, told to respect others to some degree?

Maybe those members of the family should be cast out just like Fredo, If they are not reigned in, wont that ultimately be the undoing of that same family?

Enemies, even though they don't like each other, can show respect, knights in the middle ages, lifted their visors before battle, as a sign of respect. The modern salute comes from that tradition. They didn't like each other but they showed respect for each other.

To not show a certain degree of respect for every living creature is deleterious wouldn't you agree?

We should all live cooperatively wouldn't you agree? :)

Matt a personal question, why waste your time writing a negative comment?

Making fun, negative, nothing to help, merely to antagonize why?

No contribution at all, why bother, was it a veiled threat telling me EVERYTHING is personal?

Proverbs 21:15

When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.

Psalm 144:1

Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle;
Ok so I went to the "mail" today after a year or so of not doing that in Argentina.
I'll make it brief: Pretend to cry! Argies have a soft spot for grown up males feigning crying for their mail!
More effective than medialunas
throw some Christian shit in there for good measure
it works! :)
When in Argentina, EVERYTHING is personal!
Everyone a big family

Now to make it brief!

You are stalking me, listening,watching, everything I do! :eek:

Are you a member of some secret group pretending to protect us, that has unlimited funds, power?

The true leader of the family here knows they have some idiots, they are sometimes useful. but the leader also knows
Some members of the family needs to be dealt with like Fredo Corleon! :cool:

I don’t want to offend anyone, no families, no one, I respect everyone! :mellow:

I want to live cooperatively without harassment from the village idiots! :cool:

I worship God, you can worship Saturn, or a doorknob if you like, not my business!

I don't get in their business, if they don't impact my personal life. :)

Lets all just get along, and enjoy this experience we call life, without harassing anyone.


Matt a personal question, why waste your time writing a negative comment?

Making fun, negative, nothing to help, merely to antagonize why?

No contribution at all, why bother, was it a veiled threat telling me EVERYTHING is personal?

Proverbs 21:15

When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.

Psalm 144:1

Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle;
What? I mean WHAT?
When I say personal, I meant that for Argentine bureaucracy (it would seem like) everything is personal: i.e. one dude told me I needed to throw to waste the three hours I'd been waiting and go fill some paper or other, then I waited 10 seconds for a second guy, there's where I feigned crying (although after 3 hours in there it didn't take so much effort) because I wanted my christmas present, and then said something like "Bless you" that's ALL I meant by "throwing some religious shit out there"

LoveG-d, you're probably not the only Christian in this World, I was appealing to the apheep guy, not you.
Werre you in Antartida Argentina yesterday noon? beats me
the following was written about (US) America:
"There's no better way to get people to cooperate in this country than by seeming a little unhinged"

- LS
Now to make it brief!

You are stalking me, listening,watching, everything I do! :eek:

You're confusing me with the Lord, it's such a common mistake I'll let it pass. Flattered :)

Are you a member of some secret group pretending to protect us, that has unlimited funds, power?

spot on! At this moment we're still working on the name.

Lets all just get along, and enjoy this experience we call life, without harassing anyone.



Matt a personal question, why waste your time writing a negative comment?

Making fun, negative, nothing to help, merely to antagonize why?

Really sorry I gave you that impression. Please do remember that while I made some light fun of your seeking volcano free land in Argentina, I did honestly recommend Uruguay on the first post, so there's the goodwill.
It's a mixture of venting and semi-useful contributions. This thread is a perfect example of both. Venting: What they put people through to get their mail is inhumane and unfair. Semi-useful contribution: I pretended to cry and it worked for me (I'm very surprised myself). The more useful advice would be: If there's no "chemistry" with the first public employee, wait for another one. That is ALL I mean by things being personal in Argentina. :)

No contribution at all, why bother, was it a veiled threat telling me EVERYTHING is personal?

Well, what do you really think? In a World where neither of us are its center...

Proverbs 21:15

When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.

Psalm 144:1

Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle;

Turn from evil and do Good; seek Peace and pursue it Psalm 34 14