Gaining weight in Buenos Aires

i gained weight the first year i moved to BA back in 2009. I gained A LOT of weight.

I lost over 40 pounds by eating proteins, lots of veggies and fruits and just staying away from carbs, sugar, sodas, alcohol....
once in a while i indulge in medialunas but i noticed that Argentinians keep off the weight by eating proteins and veggies. Same thing in France.
And they walk a lot...they walk everywhere. I think that's the key to success. I lost all my weight by walking every single day for 45 mins. I don't do this back in SF cause I tend to drive everywhere i go.

They also eat small portions...and women here in general are skinny or have the pressure of being skinny cause clothes tend to be rather small (even the Large items are super small).

I think Argentina got in trouble for promoting anorexia a few years ago for not having all the sizes that are required to have in stores. Its a huge pressure for woman in Argentina to be super skinny.

But that's another topic.
Pumssi said:
Carlosgreat, you're so right.

I'm 181/65 (girl) and I eat avocados, sunflower seeds and nuts, eggs, cheese, butter, olive oil, veggies, some fruits (they are just sugar but to get some vitamins etc), beans, lentils, natural yogurt, cream, berries.. no bread, pasta, processed crap, anything that says "light" and no red meat - sometimes, maybe once a month or so. Same with chicken.

Sometimes ice cream, or alfajores. I'm not a nazi but seriously, life's just so much better without soo many carbs.

That's the way to go!
:) Pumssi, red beef doesn't really have many carbs(, put it back in your menu! Specially the "New York Steak" Called here: "bife de chorizo or entrecot" . Yet, Potatoes, Bread, pasta, alfajores, all bakery products are loaded.
I came from one of those cities where everyone has a car and few people walk, so I dropped weight automatically coming here. I was teaching at first, and walking all around town all day to get from class to class. For example, my first six months here I had just enough time to walk from class at Cordoba and Alem to class at Belgrano and Defensa three times a week, among other long walks.

When I started an office desk job I actually had to think about what I ate, and more and more about my budget, and I have to say that once you start cooking a lot it gets much easier. I really didn't exercise at all over the winter (hate the cold and can't pay for a gym membership), but since I was cooking all the time I at least didn't gain anything.

I agree with those who say that cutting out refined carbs (white bread, white pasta, etc.) and processed foods is the way to go. You don't have to go Atkins (just bacon for breakfast??), but cooking at home and using whole grains and fresh ingredients works wonders. Once you stop eating that crap you don't miss it. It's not the flavor you love; you are actually addicted to the sugar rush.

Unfortunately in all the chinos near me they have stopped carrying that whole wheat penne (can't remember the brand, Matazolla or something) and I don't know where to get it.
The penne Matarazo are good ones, but try the fresh sapaghetti with spinach (they re actually green or red Pepper) and some heavy cream or bolognese sauce OR mix, so good. Let's start serious walking after this though...
I always gain weight when I go to the States. Always, never fail. Then I come here and I lose it in the first couple of weeks.
I once did a comparison of several products and found that the American ones had A LOT more calories (same size).
It is true that it's easier to it healthy in the States (you have so many ready vegetables, fruits, etc.) but there's also a huge offer of very cheap fattening items.
But here I eat a lot of vegetables, fruit, fish, red meat about twice a week and I stay slim.
I have lost a lot of weight here, I've gone from skinny to very skinny. Mainly because of the food. Also because i walk all the time, and playing tennis at 30+ degrees is a bit more energy taking than in the cold. To put on weight, I eat bread.

When I have guests over, they all love it here as they eat well but all lose weight...
Lee said:
Just in case you enjoy frozen yogurt we found a total copy of PinkBerry right here!

It is called "creatively" enough...get this...PinkFrost.

It is really good and the frozen yogurt is FAT FREE. So it is great alternative to ice cream and all that fat...
It come in several flavors with a choice of topping. I always get the natural flavor topped with strawberry's and kiwi!

Maure 1884, La Imprenta
Belgrano, Buenos Aires.

Here is the Link

Very nice....but didn't say a thing about the sugary content, and sugar is converted to FAT in the body and that is the problem.

When your body has more sugar than it needs for energy it begins to convert the sugar into body fat and stores it. So if you don't do enough exercise, and keep on eating lots of sugar, your body could become bigger and bigger.

Fat free products won't help you lose weight if they contain sugar. Sugar is converted to fat.