I think the question is, would it be small or petty of God that you need to come to Him. The Bible says that God created us in His image and that means we have some of the characteristics of God. One of them is a free will. We have the ability to determine our own destiny. If you think of that in the light of eternity, it is really serious. God will not force Himself on anyone. He will not make anyone love or follow Him. If He did, He would be violating our free will that He gave us. Also, He does not want puppets. He will never force anyone to love Him. But you have to look at what God did for us. Man sinned and are separated from God. But "God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
God Himself took on our sins, paid our price, died in our place so that we could be forgiven and have fellowship with God. But you need to accept what He did. Salvation is a free gift of God to all but you need to receive it for it to be yours. If some one had a special gift for you and said it was the best gift ever, if you took it, it would make your life better but if you did not accept the gift, would it help you? No, same with the gift of salvation. It is free to all but must be accepted to help you. Why is salvation free to us? Because it cost God so much. The price was paid by Jesus on the cross. "But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 If you think about it God has really done all He could for us, He died in our place. I hope this helps with your question.
On a side note: to the many who have an issue with the name "Voice of Truth." It is speaking of God and His word being the voice of truth. Don't believe what I say or anyone else blindly. Always check the scriptures. If the scriptures don't agree with what someone says, the person is wrong. The scriptures should always be the final authority. If I have said anything that differs from scripture, I would be wrong. So I challange you to search the scriptures for yourself.