Help Urgently Needed: Forum Expat Gone Nuts In My Apartment

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What IF the apartment is in perfect shape and the tenant is gone by Monday 10 AM? :eek: Was all this thread Necessary? If this doesn't happen on Monday lets all judge the Culprit :cool:

Then this thread will disappear and - with Rich One as my witness - I will write a post here saying that I totally overreacted and will even treat sleslie23 and whoever else is thirsty to champagne!

That is my goal and I play to win.
I am not one to enter into conflicts on this board....I avoid them and truly try to keep my answers to informational and non-reactive, however I find that some in this forum tend to blame the person who is being victimized and not the perpetrator. I've seen it a few times and it's truly disheartening. What is going on here is akin to being held hostage, not personally but your property which makes one feel impotent and helpless. I hope this works out for the best, I really really do and I sympathize wholeheartedly with the landlord. This is a classic case of that very sad saying "no good deed goes unpunished".
I am not one to enter into conflicts on this board....I avoid them and truly try to keep my answers to informational and non-reactive, however I find that some in this forum tend to blame the person who is being victimized and not the perpetrator. I've seen it a few times and it's truly disheartening. What is going on here is akin to being held hostage, not personally but your property which makes one feel impotent and helpless. I hope this works out for the best, I really really do and I sympathize wholeheartedly with the landlord. This is a classic case of that very sad saying "no good deed goes unpunished".

Thanks, David. I am the same way. I would never have gotten myself into this mess had I not sincerely reached out to someone on this forum (instead of accepting bookings at a higher rate via my usual channels, which have worked just fine for me for several years because - as I said - I take my job very seriously).

I made a sacrifice of $400 USD off my usual rental fee to help her out and to give myself a small breather - I still have to deal with my other, bigger, apartment at the usual exhausting pace. I do a lot more than just give people the keys and show up again at check-out and do ALL of the work myself, from furniture and interior design to customer service/ contracts/ tour guide and concierge service (for free!) in 5 languages and even the cleaning (to ensure the safety of my clients and their belongings).

That's why I felt that this would be the most logical place to try to find a solution. If I disappear from this forum tomorrow, my business will not be affected - I was fine for 5 years before joining it. The only difference you may notice is that questions about where to find random vegetarian foodstuffs will go unanswered.
Homeinbuenosaires: I think you are handling this very responsibly and very rationally. I hope you can work it out.
Has anyone given thought to the new tenants who will arrive Tuesday with their boxes, ready to move in, only to discover the apartment might still be occupied?

Thanks very much for understanding!

This is not even boxes, it's suitcases. It's a vacation rental (with continuous bookings because I am good at my job) not a charity! I have no idea what I was thinking in this situation, truly. I would give the people an 'upgrade' to my bigger, nicer place, but I do not have a vacancy.

I just got a very incoherent phone call from this person and now she is not answering my calls. I've spelled out very clearly what might happen if she doesn't give me the keys to a clean and intact apartment on Monday at 9am. I have also sent her the link to this thread and invited her to respond.

PS A little bit of Google-fu and logical thinking (did I start paying for ads on leading vacation rental websites, years ago, and put up fake reviews - which is not easy, as these sites have safeguards against it - all so I could defame this person - without mentioning her by name - on BAExpats? Please...) will tell you all you need to know about who is telling the truth here.
I don't know how much you can do legally for vacation rentals or short-term rentals, but generally the way to go about this in Buenos Aires is to mail a carta documento or a telegrama and they usually arrive the very next day. Everyone keeps talking about who is the victim and who is the perpetrator, but the real victims are the innocent travelers who will arrive in Ezeiza and possibly not have a place to stay.
Is it possible that this person went off her medication(for whatever reason)?According to what you described ,could be some one that needs help that no one of us can give her..... any possible contacts with her next of kin back home?
Seriously,maybe you are dealing with some one with some sort of unbalance and that would be the answer to her or his behaving the way he or she does?
Is it possible that this person went off her medication(for whatever reason)?According to what you described ,could be some one that needs help that no one of us can give her..... any possible contacts with her next of kin back home?
Seriously,maybe you are dealing with some one with some sort of unbalance and that would be the answer to her or his behaving the way he or she does?

This is what I have suggested to her in my latest messages to her. That she get a flight to her mother's house and take a time-out. Buenos Aires is not for her and that's OK.
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