Help Urgently Needed: Forum Expat Gone Nuts In My Apartment

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The other party is still on this forum. 1) We have not heard her side yet and 2) are you sure you want to announce your strategy in a public forum?

In the military we usually didn't make it a habit of publishing our attack plans before the big day - unless of course it was mis-information.
In the military we usually didn't make it a habit of publishing our attack plans before the big day - unless of course it was mis-information.

I'm a lover not a fighter, and I believe in transparency. I'm happy to accept the consequences of my actions, obviously.
That sounds more than a little myopic. If this person is receiving unemployment assistance, that comes from each state and she would have to revisit her local office at regular intervals to prove she is actually seeking employment, which she could not do if she's in Buenos Aires unless that minimal assistance permits her to fly back and forth at will. If indeed she is receiving government money, is the source state or federal, and what is it specifically? In any event, no government would withhold assistance on a simple assertion by a private individual overseas or even in the state of residence - without due process, nobody could stop payment. Even if there were concrete evidence, the recipient would still have an opportunity to present her own case.

You raise good points, but are barking up the wrong tree.
Thanks, sleslie23. If you didn't want your own post to stay here, I am happy to delete my own response where I quoted you.

If you look through my history on this forum, you will see that I tend to offer help, rather than getting involved in the nonsensical conversations that we sometimes see.
I respectfully reiterate my statement before about my being OK about your lack of desire to interact with me. If you have no desire to interact with me, you are welcome to stop now!

Unfortunately, I am on a mission here, and I guess that by Tuesday this will all be consigned to the ether. This is really not my usual MO but I am dealing with an extreme and unprecedented situation.

I guess my point is, I don't think this is an appropriate place for your "mission." You stated your case in your first post. Now you are just descending into gossip and slander.
I guess my point is, I don't think this is an appropriate place for your "mission." You stated your case in your first post. Now you are just descending into gossip and slander.

If you have any better suggestions, I am happy to hear them - feel free to send the suggestions privately if you are of a more militaristic bent than I.

She deletes my emails, doesn't answer her phone, has said she is not going anywhere via email, and didn't answer the door the one time I went over to check on her well-being (before things took a turn for the worse). I am not the kind of person who will clandestinely let myself into the apartment with my own key just to have a look, even while fearing the worst. I am happy to stick to my rental agreement if she is - I take my business very seriously indeed and have no desire to leave a lovely pair of tourists homeless come Tuesday.

I have two tourists arriving at the apartment on Tuesday (actually, I'd arranged to show it at 3pm on Monday but it sounds like I may need to cancel). With all of this in mind, I am happy to hear your constructive advice.

Again, I'm happy to throw all of this dirty laundry on the bonfire once I'm back in an unharmed apartment. I've never identified this person in a way that a prospective future employer or landlord in the US would be able to find.

The world is much, much bigger than this forum (and that's a good thing for both myself and this person).
What IF the apartment is in perfect shape and the tenant is gone by Monday 10 AM? :eek: Was all this thread Necessary? If this doesn't happen on Monday lets all judge the Culprit :cool:
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