Help Urgently Needed: Forum Expat Gone Nuts In My Apartment

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Gee, I would love to but I'm pretty busy this weekend. First, I'm going to practice eating spoonfuls of cinnamon. Then, I'm going to dice 10 onions and then ride around the city with them inside of my motorcycle helmet. Lastly, I'm going to see if I can break the world record for sitting on the end of a broomstick, naked. Been looking forward to this for a long time so I'll have to pass. :)

Hahaha, I tried! That sounds like an amazingly fun and creative itinerary. Enjoy! ;-)
Thanks for the explanations and for the pm. Its your thread but I wouldnt delete it if I were you. Your experience is valuable to the rest of us and I doubt you would want this person to do the same to someone else in the future. Its better left as a warning. Just my two cents.
Still getting back to PMs, thanks again for all the support.

I have decided that the best way to proceed, today, is to threaten to do something that could threaten her current income stream in the US - which, surprise, surprise, is from the US Government - for the rest of her life with one simple email/ phone call/ letter to the appropriate authorities if she doesn't give me the apartment on Monday in the condition I left it in.

I have had it with her shenanigans and will not lose another penny to this madness. I'll leave the ball in her court, but I work too hard and sacrifice too much in my own life to just take a loss on someone like her, who DOES have some money in the US to reimburse me with if she has really trashed my place. I do not have any savings left at this point, myself, and I've been cleaning toilets without a vacation for six years now while battling serious illness. It has paid off, as most of my clients leave very happy and I get a lot of repeat business and even "I want to live here"s. I have been called a great ambassador for Buenos Aires (while not having the money to enjoy it properly myself, as I put everything into my business) and even a sherpa!

This is about principle at this point. If I must pay, she must pay... and she actually DOES have a lot more to lose than I do here, believe it or not.

If I need time to put the apartment right and need to cancel the booking made by the people arriving on Tuesday, you'd best believe that she will be on the hook for the $450 USD I'd lose on that booking as well.

If you're reading this, tenant of mine, please consider your next moves very carefully. You have two days to clean the apartment and leave it how I left it to you, or find the money to make this right. I will accept nothing less, and will be entering the apartment at 9 am on Monday sí o sí, and I will NOT be alone.

I will also be making this threat more explicit in a private email to her. I only have the information I will use in my threat because I saw the email that her previous landlord sent her in Spanish, and I believe that if the universe delivers you such a dazzling gift it's only polite to open it.

Thanks everybody.

ETA: I feel 100% OK with this because I know that she gets free flights from a relative that works at an airline and can go and stay with her mother. I don't think I'd be comfortable with making her actually homeless, and I really hope I'll never have to make a decision like this again.
I would imagine that this person is trying to hide in Argentina. Why not contact Interpol if you have a real name?
I would imagine that this person is trying to hide in Argentina. Why not contact Interpol if you have a real name?

I actually don't think she is trying to hide here. I think that she just needed to hit rock bottom and hopefully she will look back on this and realize that I have done her a huge favor.

Having said that, if my apartment is not in impeccable shape at 9 am on Monday, there are going to be severe consequences, and I doubt the US Government is going to be happy to continue to fund her international adventures and under the table job search (and yes, I've got written proof to back this up).
This story is getting weird. I can sympathize with your situation and frustration. And though I personally wouldn't do it, I can even understand why you would post on BAExpats if you were truly unsure of what to do.

But with your last post, you are just dragging your (and her) dirty laundry out in the street. Do we really need a play-by-play of your threats, plan of action, etc?

Neither of you seem like anyone I would want to have any interaction with.
Unemployment assistance? Oh yeah, she's recieving my tax dollars while "looking for work" in Argentina, under the table of course..brilliant.
This story is getting weird. I can sympathize with your situation and frustration. And though I personally wouldn't do it, I can even understand why you would post on BAExpats if you were truly unsure of what to do.

But with your last post, you are just dragging your (and her) dirty laundry out in the street. Do we really need a play-by-play of your threats, plan of action, etc?

Neither of you seem like anyone I would want to have any interaction with.

I hear you, and was unsure if this was the right avenue. She has admitted that she deletes my emails as they come in (while continuing to send me unbelievable communiqués), and keeps an eye on the forum, which is why. If I had the money to make this go away that way, I'd be doing it, believe me - I am usually much more discreet than this. It's very hard to know what to do in this kind of situation until it happens to you, and I am of course playing by ear here and not ashamed to admit it.

I'd much rather receive my apartment back in good condition than have to go through with this, and believe me when I say that I have not made the worst details of this public. If I were truly a vindictive person, I'd have used her real name and this thread would potentially haunt her for the rest of her life. I have been very careful not to do so, but would rather look bad in the eyes of someone who spends a lot of time passing judgement on strangers on the internet than know that I'd inflicted this on somebody else when it could have been avoided.

It sounds like the two of us may never interact, which is fine with me - this world is a big place and I'm actually a newcomer to the forum (despite a decade here) beacause I'm the child of an Argentine mother and speak fluent Spanish, so I don't usually need help to find my way around and have never joined an expat community in any other country I've lived in. I actually usually keep myself at arm's length from this forum because I'm more used to being in your position as a spectator and you do see some unbelivable things here, it is true.

I'm just doing what I need to do here, and I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd have to do something like this. I would much rather have this thread be up for four days and resolve my issue than have to go and deal with this the Argentine way.

I really hope that the mods will cooperate with me on Monday afternoon when this will be over in editing this into a thread that can help people avoid these situations in future while not providing a roadmap for grifters. If not, I will be deleting it, as I said I would in my original, unedited, post. I think my intentions are clear to those whose opinions I value.

I can literally not afford to have this happen to me - there is another thread on this forum where I explain the big estafa I had that got me into this position in the first place. Also, if I save even one expat the hassle of going through all of this, the tradeoff of never meeting you (or whoever else feels this way) will have been 1000% worth it.
Unemployment assistance? Oh yeah, she's recieving my tax dollars while "looking for work" in Argentina, under the table of course..brilliant.

That sounds more than a little myopic. If this person is receiving unemployment assistance, that comes from each state and she would have to revisit her local office at regular intervals to prove she is actually seeking employment, which she could not do if she's in Buenos Aires unless that minimal assistance permits her to fly back and forth at will. If indeed she is receiving government money, is the source state or federal, and what is it specifically? In any event, no government would withhold assistance on a simple assertion by a private individual overseas or even in the state of residence - without due process, nobody could stop payment. Even if there were concrete evidence, the recipient would still have an opportunity to present her own case.
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