Superficially a good point but I just don't agree. One can't expect or demand citizens to be "politically literate". I think the key is individual sovereignty (which entails as much responsibility as freedom) which translates into family, community and district sovereignty. like swiss cantons. After all which other country in the World has gotten politics just right?This is an excellent point. I often think it deeply unfortunate that a significant majority of the voting public are happy to demand 'democratic rights' until they are blue in the face. Yet many of the same group seem oblivious to the 'democratic responsibilities' which come hand in hand with the rights which they so happily demand. One core responsibility is the one Joe alludes to; taking the time and putting in the effort to be informed about political reality and therefore making an informed decision while voting. Being geared merely by spoon fed rhetoric and political slogans and voting accordingly debases the democratic principle just as much, or possibly more, than those who abuse the process from the top down!![]()