As for how the import restrictions have helped - one does understand that restrictions on import work for the best if a) one has a large enough internal population to support need and B) one has an efficient and effective industry to meet the demand of a. And that Argentina fits neither criteria.
Tell me, in all honesty, how have the import restrictions helped anyone? The consumer is left at the mercy of bad quality and high prices. The industries can't meet demand b/c they can't even get parts in that they need to make a, b, or c and thanks to the double whammy of inflation, can't afford to hire people to make things.
It is absolutely INSANE to me that it was cheaper for me to get on a plane and fly to Miami to buy things than it was to buy them here and they were much better quality. But true.
And industries AREN'T growing - that's the point. Yes, lots of "fabricas" down in Tierra del Fuego are coming online
but around here - it's not the case.