New SUBE rule?

I went today to get cards for the kids and the people and cops keeping the line in order at the SUBE office (Sucre and Cabildo on Sucre) told me that in fact my little kids DON'T need a SUBE card and we can use one card to pay for as many people as we want. "No necesitan una tarjeta. Son chiquitas!", they said. Maybe I just found a rogue driver (or one that actually follows the rules?) the other day or something or maybe not everyone knows the rules. I wasn't surprised to hear this, though... nothing here, frankly, surprises me. Who knows what the real rules are! Thanks, everyone for all of your comments!

Oh, and Bobg or anyone else, you don't need to be citizen to get a card. They take the info so that if you lose your card or it stops working, you can recover the money on the card showing them your identification (passport, DNI, etc.)
I have the Sube card and I have 11 year old triplets I pay of course the tickets with my card without problem. I think kids pay from 6 years old. I love this Sube card is a relief not to look for coins all the time.
Thanks a million for the replies. Will look into getting on monday!

I tried ordering a SUBE card online twice and both requests have been rejected. The rejection emails just say:

Lamentamos informarle que su solicitud vía web de la tarjeta SUBE fue rechazada por inconsistencias en los datos personales del solicitante.

I entered everything correctly. Could it be because I have a DNI for foreigners???
Secretary of Transport, Juan Carlos Schiavi, has been mentioning it as part of his spiel on the many tv/radio shows he is appearing since the beginning of February.

That bus driver was correct, except he was not informed as to purpose. It´s in case of accident. If fare paid with SUBE card (as no paper ticket will be issued) and you file a report. At least for now, that seems to be the primary purpose.¿que-puedo-hacer-en-caso-de-accidente-en-la-red-sube/

In case of accident, a report must be made with the Comision Nacional de Regulacion del Transporte.

As proof , you can present your travel history (Mis Viajes).

I could not find anywhere a printed version re minors needing their own cards. Not even in the SUBE website. It´s Argentina, folks!
I was just denied a SUBE card at the Alto Palermo site because I was using a foreign passport. Any thoughts?
Aconcagua said:
I was just denied a SUBE card at the Alto Palermo site because I was using a foreign passport. Any thoughts?

One thought: "That sucks."

I'm definitely getting charged AR$2.50 for each subte trip on my Monedero card.
Napoleon said:
One thought: "That sucks."

I'm definitely getting charged AR$2.50 for each subte trip on my Monedero card.

Everyone is paying that for the subway, the Sube card is a federal initiative and will deliver subsidies on a per user basis on buses and trains.
Aconcagua – I suggest you print the page from the official SUBE website and show it to the supervisor at the Alto Palermo location where you are requesting the card.
Category – Frequently Asked Questions…..¿los-extranjeros-podemos-tener-la-tarjeta-sube/

This is what it says in Spanish….

¿Los extranjeros podemos tener la Tarjeta SUBE?

Publicado por Tarjeta Sube el 1 jul 2011 en Consultas Frecuentes |
Sí, los extranjeros pueden retirar la Tarjeta SUBE en cualquier Centro de Obtención habilitado, después de completar el formulario y presentar un pasaporte o documento extranjero reconocido por la República Argentina.

My translation…..
Published by SUBE Card 1 July 2011 in Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, foreigners can obtain SUBE card at any approved Issuing Center, after completing the form and presenting a passport or foreign ID recognized by Argentina.

Elalancito - I speak/read English and Spanish fluently. I heard Schiavi make the comment re minors needing their own cards and reason why on separate tv interviews. I have been following his appearances on C5N, Canal 26, America TV and TN.