Did we really just invoke Stalin, Hitler and the usual suspects to attack Castro? That is fairly pathetic and quite frankly enormously disrespectful for any number of reasons.
I think Castro's government was disastrous, I do not believe in Socialism however what I trying to help you understand is that when a government like Batista steals power through a military coup the ripples are generational and the results are generally a violent lurch to the other extreme.
Simply put, Batista is too blame for the ills of Cuba (you can read if you like, I am not here to give you a history lesson) and in the 1950s the USA what should have happened is that the USA embargoed Batista and forced him out to be replaced by a democratically elect leader. So actually Steve, the USA created the little cantankerous monster in their backyard through their own skewed values and hopelessly panicked ideological stance. So no, you don't get a pass there. Actions have consequences Steve. Bad decisions even more so. Just like US interference in Chile, we know what Kissinger and co got up to down there, don't we Steve.
I don't think even you could sit there bare faced and tell us that the Bay of Pigs didn't prolong the life of this isolated dictatorship, please?..could you? No fault for the US there? Get a grip.
Typically enough, the took the foaming at the mouth ideologically paranoid decision to back a dictator and continue with the racket.
It's laughable then to see poeople rampaging on about a dithering isolated socialist govt, comparing them to the greatest war criminals in world history. It's as funny as it is crass.