Panic will kill you but fear,once is incorporated to your day to day life ,will keep you alive and will make you think ahead of time to prevent a major discomfort in the event of an extended blackout
The way i see it ,we prevent out of fear,we fear not having baby formula or enough water etc so we act according to the needs we might foresee
Having a power generator,in my opinion, has to be the worst way to make it thru this particular time(or anytime for that matter)Other sources or power can be installed at a much lower price with much less impact on the enviroment not to mention the logistics on getting gasoline to an 8th floor(first finding a gas station close by which may or may not have power and second,huffing your 2 gallons of gas up the stairs)
I think ,if there's anything to be learnt from this situation is how we prepare ourselves to cope on the next crisis,please by no means dream that this is a once in a life time event,around here things only get worst as far as services are concerned.
I'm writting with most of you folks living in the city (apartments and such)in mind.My situation is way different being out here 2 blocks from the middle of nowhere.Having an extra propane tank is by no means considered a disaster prep, it's just everyday life.
I do feel bad for you folks going thru some uncomfortable times with the blackouts,However,having been living here long enough,i learnt that when the lights go out all you have left is your wits and how well set up you were before hand without getting into a paranoid state of mind,just as natural as having a spare tire in your car.
When i started this thread i wanted to get some feed back and also make you think about it if you never considered the fact that these things happen in Argentina all the time
So to round up the idea here ,i would say find a solar back up systems for your fridge and have your pantry stocked
As well all know it is not advisable to go for groceries in a black out even if the stores have stock and power (good people do bad things when desperate)
This message was brought to you by the paranoid militia anti everything except myself

over and out