The deal with Argentine men and their "girl" friends

Celia said:
To those of you who think old men are disgusting (I love em!), wonder what you think about the situation al reves, eg. Madonna and Jesus - can't remember the new guy's name, Ashton and Demi, Vivienne Westwood and Andreas etc...

The same. I just dont understand what youd see in a person half your age, and in the case of a 16 year old, im guessing a quarter of your life experience? What do you have in common? Just find it a bit pathetic from the side of the 35-year old. Dont really have a problem with it if both people at least got out of their adolescence.
Maybe the essence of the person instead of just a timeline...besides, adolescence doesn't drag on that long. Maybe 13-16, but beyond that???
Many responses on this thread and we should respect the right to be different and the right to have relationships with older woman and younger woman with various combinations of age and status that are reasonable.

I temper my comments with some conditions though a 74 year man with a 20 year woman or viceversa is not natural as it always monetary based and not pure sexual energy and attraction.

It is biologically natural that older men are attracted to younger woman of child bearing age . To demonise a natural attraction is a agenda of feminism that wishes to create barriers in human relationships .

In regards to younger woman and older men if this relationship is based on respect and sexual energy there is no harm but I do agree though that when a older men through his power of money attracts a younger partner who does not have any sexual attraction for him but decides to form a relationship this is worse than prostitution as it is a prison of the soul .

In regards to looking younger to attract a mate I tend to err on the side of caution . I am not a supporter of cosmetic surgery and always notice that the men and woman who are fans always look unnatural and lacking any emotion in their face or expressions.

Once a man or a woman reach 60 we should leave the sex and the pursuit of sex to the younger ones as there is no more ridiculous caricatures than Silvio Berlusconi and Moira Casan .
John.St said:
There are no absolute morals and ethics, they are changing all the time.

The jewish/cristian bible e.g.
allows a man to sell his daughter to prostitution if he needs the money (Exodus 21:7)
allows slavery (Lev 25:44)
allows polygamy (Gen 29:17-28; II Sam 3:2-5)
if a bride is not a virgin she must be stoned to death (Deut 22:13-21)
thou shalt not kill, yet is full of one genocide after the other (Joshua all over the place; 2. Kings 10)
the deity kills al the innocent babies in the great flood (Gen 7:10-)

Love thy neighbor and burn the witches.

Cannibals kill and eat other human beings.

The Greeks, Romans, Americans, Europeans, Asians - you name them, we've got them - had millions of slaves.

The Aztecs took tens of thousands of perfectly healthy young men and cut their hearts out.

The indigenious people of the Americas and Australia, ... were butchered time and again.

Cut a foot of a runaway slave, beat your wife, etc., etc., etc.

The number of what is today considered atrocities is legio.

Do you think the "perpetraters" felt wrong about it and felt guilty?

Of course not, they all knew they were doing the right thing, had good morals and ethics.
They weren't perpetraters, in their own environment and time, on the contrary they were righteous people.

Morals and ethics are what happens to be "the right thing" right now in a certain environment, country, culture.
Here today, gone tomorrow.
None of what you have written undermines the points made by Stella 53 that at any given point/stage in a culture there are absolutes which ought to transcend cultural norms contrary ones. Those absolutes change as the culture evolves and people´s thinking matures - gets more civilized. So slavery may have been viewed as okay at one time, but modern man prohibits it as repugnant to justice, fairness, and the respect due our fellow man. If there is currently a society that allows slavery, one ought to seek to eliminate it from within and without.
Celia said:
Wait till you get to 60 Perry, you may change your mind!!

Old geezers and pendaviejas chasing the thrill of a conquest does not interest me . A man and woman of 60 should learn to look at life in a spiritual manner and create other interests .

Sexual energy for men and woman is not infinite and for this reason we should allow the young the beauty and joy of love.
perry said:
In regards to younger woman and older men if this relationship is based on respect and sexual energy there is no harm but I do agree though that when a older men through his power of money attracts a younger partner who does not have any sexual attraction for him but decides to form a relationship this is worse than prostitution as it is a prison of the soul .

It is usually called marriage...just kidding. But agree, this is too common, not only here, sometimes is money, sometimes a greencard, but anyway this is a personal decision.
perry said:
Old geezers and pendaviejas chasing the thrill of a conquest does not interest me . A man and woman of 60 should learn to look at life in a spiritual manner and create other interests .

Sexual energy for men and woman is not infinite and for this reason we should allow the young the beauty and joy of love

My perspective as a 62 year old: I thought I had reached my sexual peak at age 18, until last night. :)

I will not be out strutting my stuff with a rug on top of my head or gold chains or sports cars in the hope of attracting a teenager....I prefer a woman not a girl....but I fully expect the beauty and joy of love to endure well into my 80s....
Bajo_cero2 said:
But this is regarding your morality believes, you can teach your children whatever you want regarding morality but you cannot finger point other people about what they do or they don´t do.

STELLA53 said:
Do you really believe that what you teach your children in the way of morals and conduct is of no importance to me or other members of the society in which we all live? Please tell me you are joking.

Precisely. Who are you to intrude into my family? You are nobody, do you realize that?

Some people think they are better because of their moral values, believers specially, but they are not. This is what is called moral perfectionism. You should read Malamud Gotti.

Are you going to tell a muslim how to educate his children? Or to a rabino?
or to an agnostic like me? Are you serious? :confused:

STELLA53 said:
Or that the assinine opinions you espouse, of which this is a shining example, are the result of a lack of good English language skills.

No sabia que este fuera un taller literario, como esta tu castellano?

STELLA53 said:
Whose taxes support the public hospital that performs the abortion for poorly educated youngsters?


Sorry about that.

We are not in Sweden, abortion is illegal in this country, that´s a big issue because they are made at home when they are too poor and many women die.

If they are not soo poor, they have to pay a criminal to do it and they might die anyway.

I posted a link of the anual report of CELS for UN regarding salud reproductiva, you should read it.

STELLA53 said:
Whose taxes contribute to the medical costs incurred when your kid has an auto accident, maybe while he is drunk, and is severely injured because he didn't fasten his seat belt? What about the pain and suffering of the innocent kids in the car he ran into (not to mention their medical expenses)?
Whose taxes pay for the police, fire, and other municipal service expenses that are higher than they need to be because of social problems caused by wayward youth, kids who have not been properly raised by irresponsible parents? What about the influence of peer pressure that irresponsibly raised kids may apply to tempt schoolmates to act irresponsibly?

Probably my taxes might pay for the proper education at school regarding this topics. Do you pay taxes in this country or you are just blablablaing?

STELLA53 said:
Paco, crack, and Quilmes at what age? When a smoker whose habit has caught up with him in midage requires a disproportionate share of public medical services, whose taxes is he is selfishly usurping?

We don´t have crack in this country.

Paco, yes, it is a big problem but they die so fast that they don´t spend tax money if this is your only concern.

Quilmes, no te metas con la Quilmes que se arma, se arma :D.

STELLA53 said:
The point is that what you teach your kids in the way of conduct has a very real effect on my health, safety, and welfare and that of my family.

It sounds like you are imagining causal links.

Perhaps you should move close community were all of them have the same moral values. There are many menonities communities in this country:

STELLA53 said:
You do not live in a vacuum. The same myopia is evidenced by John St.

Now it is clear, you are the enlighted who is going to rule over 40.000.000 peoples private life. Before having sex, should I call you for your moral authorization? ohhhh, sorry, is it possible to have premarital recreational sex your highness?

STELLA53 said:
It's one thing to talk about the propriety of 30 something year old guys bedding down teenage girls. It's a quite different thing to expand the topic to all conduct taught to children. Whether you are prepared to recognize or not, a parent's lack of good judgment and irresponsibilty in the ethics he inculcates in his brood has tremendous repercussions for others in the community.

Some people who ruled this country when I was born seem to agree with your ideas and your moral values. That´s why after torturing their parents and raping their mothers, and killing them, they gave their babies to families with "proper" moral values to rise them properly.

Videla used to say on national TV "do you know what your children are doing right now".

You should use a T- shirt that says "Les recomiendo a Videla de todo corazón"

STELLA53 said:
You often champion the rights of the poor, an admirable quality if your acts match your words, but lets not lose sight of the forest for the trees. It's not just the poor that deserve consideration.

You are wrong about this.
Expat aren´t poor. Chinese neither. I just don´t like racism and facism. I have to add moral perfectionism to my list.

By the way, what kind of consideration do you deserve?
Would you like to build a wall sorrounding poor or "moraly depraved" areas?
Or you deserve the right to intrude in others people life? Or you would like a "final" solution?

Who do you think you are to tell us we have myopia? Are you the moderator of the universe?

jp said:
If you think a sample size of 12 twenty somethings is representative of half the planet, there's not really much point in discussing why the methodology and conclusions are dubious.

Which overlooks the four or five other studies I linked to that back up those findings. And you can find more. (Also the addition of "twenty-somethings" I suppose is to make the study look less strong or something, when that's precisely the age range they should be testing for...)

Also I think it is revealing that you didn't answer my question. Would you support mandatory paternity testing at birth? So that you don't put a father's name on a birth certificate unless it is proven he is the biological father? Would you be for this or against this?