Too Many Pizzerias And Carbs In Bsas Stop This Now

Chip Shop Haggis is hard to beat, especially after a bazillion pints of smooth.

You´'ll need the irn bru in the morning tho.
Chip Shop Haggis is hard to beat, especially after a bazillion pints of smooth.

You´'ll need the irn bru in the morning tho.

Haggis Burrito is damned close to beating it, i have to say!

Illegal Jacks was great, it had great beer as well as haggis burritos, what else could you want from a "fast" food place :D
Mentallity in Argentina (at least in Cap. Fed.) is changing. I see more and more healty shops and vegetarian rotiserias opening everywhere around the city. I hope that trend keeps on going and expanding.
Forget then about carbs, vegetarianism, if that's your thing, OK. My point is that there seem to be fewer parillas than before. This has come at the same time that Argentinians are looking less healthy, fatter. If you want to think this is coincidence, OK, but the same thing happened in the USA over the past 30 yrs when people started to eat less red meat, saturated fat, etc. and more carb-heavy nutrient-poor food.

I think it's sad to see Argentina follow America's fatal mistake. But the soy lobby must be strong here as well.
Are we running out of stuff to complaint about?? Come on, to many pizzerias?? really? that, my friend ranks up there with ''to many good looking women'' you can't have to many of one or the other ;)

The two things you mention seem to be inversely correlated...
Yeah.. lard is good for your heart.

Veg are bad for your body.

Samid, is it you?
Forget then about carbs, vegetarianism, if that's your thing, OK. My point is that there seem to be fewer parillas than before. This has come at the same time that Argentinians are looking less healthy, fatter. If you want to think this is coincidence, OK, but the same thing happened in the USA over the past 30 yrs when people started to eat less red meat, saturated fat, etc. and more carb-heavy nutrient-poor food.

I think it's sad to see Argentina follow America's fatal mistake. But the soy lobby must be strong here as well.

Did you not read the explanations provided?

It's about the price of the parilla vs pizza. Just business.

Simple really. I would have thought....
I've spent the better part of the last 20 years competing in endurance races. I've studied sports nutrition for the last 15 years. There has always been the "new" science. In the 80's it was low-fats/high-carbs. In the 90's it was high-protein/moderate carbs and fats. More recently it has been no sugars (including bread). Now we are onto the Paleo Diet (for athletes). Unfortunately, they are finding now that sports performance is decreasing on a Paleo diet because the carb ratio is generally too low.

Gimme a break. I have incisors and I have molars for a reason. And, they take up pretty much the same proportion of space in my mouth. So, I eat a balance diet of 55%-60% lean proteins and about 25% carbs and 20% fats. I also eat "low to the ground," eg Froot Loops, Big Macs, Cokes, french fries, and cinnamon buns don't grow on the farm so I generally don't eat them.

Your mileage may vary. :)


The paleo diet is still a fringe thing and most people still believe low-fat high-carb is good. That's not just an 80's thing. You can see it on this thread too. People in Argentina believe that right now, as do most people in the US, because of government and corporate propaganda...the health effects are there to be seen.

It's fine that you eat a lot of carbs, but, as you explained, you compete in endurance events. I also eat carbs because I'm trying to gain muscle and I can't gain any weight at all on even a mostly paleo diet. But that should be the standard, right? Unless you're an endurance athlete or trying to pack on 10-20 lbs of muscle you've got no business making bread, rice, potatoes, etc., a regular meal.
Yeah.. lard is good for your heart.

Veg are bad for your body.

Samid, is it you?

There's no evidence that lard is bad for your heart. Please see the links I provided above, most medical authorities are finally admitting there's no connection between saturated fat consumption and heart disease. Rather there is a possible connection to carb intake, and also especially to unsaturated fats (vegetable oils), which are for the most part very dangerous.

Nobody is talking about vegetables being bad, although there's no reason to think that vegetables as a whole are good. I'm talking about cereals, grains, rice, carbs, sugar.