Train accident in Once (linea Sarmiento) 340 wounded

Someone mentioned the night club fire. Has this been finally resolved? Was anyone finally brought to justice? I have lost track of the story.

Anyway there are no serious punishments in Argentina. The government seems to view serious punishment as "repression". Sadly this attitude has caught on among many citizens. Don't expect any real resolution to the train disaster. There will be a lot of talk, for awhile. Then public interest will fade. Years will pass and the situation will remain largely unchanged.

As for Menem, he privatized the railways in a rush - true. Most long distance trains were abandoned when they should have been passed to private interests with carefully monitored subsidies. WHY does government have to run trains? Private industry can do this very well if they are competent and if they are subject to government inspection and control. The fabulous Dubai metro was built with public money and is very ably managed by a British company. Ferrocarriles Argentinos ended in a total fiasco. I know. I rode their trains. I have never seen worse.

The Kirchners made improving and restoring the rail network a priority - but what has happened?

If the government were interested many jobs could have been created in a major effort to upgrade the railways. Instead money was wasted on a bullet train project when what is needed is a rail system on a par with what Argentina had FIFTY years ago.
Pretty shoddy when you consider that the K Klowns were pushing hard for the Bullet Train to nowhere at a cost of 9 Billion USD [plus or minus]. Good ole Nestor banked about 2 million cash on the up fronts for that deal before it mysteriously tanked and was never mentioned.
That little scam threw the Paris Club under the bus once again and any "so called" capital funds were never reinvested in the local system.
Maintenance is simply not a part of the culture as evidenced everywhere you turn.
I live 2kms away...I went there yesterday afternoon to see what was happening...sure enough there were KKs chanting anti-Macri attacks! They were singing anti Macri while I watched the bodies being taken away! These Ks are vicious, cold blooded & determined to deflect blame!!

Now they are going to try to convince us that it was human error & NOT the brakes! How low can they go?


WHY ALL THOSE MILLIONS TO A KORRUPT Kompany like TBA??? What was the relationship between Ks & TBA about??? ....I think I can smell a big FAT RAT around here.

Put the blow torch on her now!!!!!!!!

I bet you are on your knees now Cristina....begging & praying for the British to come & rescue you with the Malvinas!!!
Looks like you have run out of matches....what tricks have you got up your sleeve now?
dennisr said:
When brakes fail on a train, they are applied. Guaranteed the fail-safe system was compromised by humans and every manger is in CYA mode: "I know nothing." It is times like this I like the way the Chinese deal with managerial negligence, death by firing squad.
What a sad accident. For the past 150 years air brakes are designed so that if air pressure is lost, springs automatically apply the brakes. If the engineer falls asleep at the controls, the train stops. I just can't understand how this could have happened. I suspect that a chain of events were required for this to happen.
notebook.fix said:
They'll be on their knees, praying for the English to come to the rescue & distract the Argentine public for when the 54% start to wake up to these pathetic K Klowns...the moment of reckoning is coming FAST! Like a train! As Lanata said..."this gov will pay the bill for it's negligence".

I think a vast majority of these poor victims in this train voted for CFK. Many came from the provincia that`s under complete K brainwashing.
Hopefully, at least, this terrible accident is getting something started in the population and they won`t believe any longer in everything what the K´s tell them. This is 100% the government`s responsibility! They are just neglecting the real problems here...

Yes, they hope for the English&the Malvinas to distract them. If that doesn`t work they will anounce more feriados and more "stupid stuff para todos".
Did anyone see the 'press conference' today?
What a fucking joke that was.
De Vido and Schiavi like a couple of puppets from Spitting Image.
No questions allowed and the bloke on the right spoke volumes with his body language. Depressed, pissed off and wishing he was somewhere else.
Fiasco total and i bet they are just hoping that this will all go away.
It won't.
ghost said:
Pretty shoddy when you consider that the K Klowns were pushing hard for the Bullet Train to nowhere at a cost of 9 Billion USD [plus or minus]. Good ole Nestor banked about 2 million cash on the up fronts for that deal before it mysteriously tanked and was never mentioned.
That little scam threw the Paris Club under the bus once again and any "so called" capital funds were never reinvested in the local system.
Maintenance is simply not a part of the culture as evidenced everywhere you turn.

Don't forget further big ticket items like the planned Argentine nuclear sub.
I first read about it in Buenos Aires Herald. The story seemed to be saying: "Well...... Brazil has one, so I want one too".
She's spending like it's a boxing day sale at a shoe store