What Will We Argue About With Cfk Gone??!


Apr 9, 2010
Here's a vote for old school arguing about the current quality of BA steak, pizza and ice cream. We've earned it after these past years.
And hoping for a future of semi-sanity (at the very least)!
there will always be something but thank god or at least i hope it will be of totally different nature
viva el cambio!
It's Argentina! We'll be complaining about Macri soon enough. ;)

Seriously folks, I hope not.
The possibly soon to be adjusted exchange rate that perhaps will not support all the perks associated with the blue. Time will tell!
Well, I'll start by complaining about the new First Lady outfits... Is she going to a falsa boda? Really? White short dress with white lace? And then a deep-cleavage white dress (again!)?
[Also Cristina left in white.... hello, colors?!]

My FB wall is plastered with articles from TN showing the "private shots" taken at Macri's apartment before the oath. It looks like the photo album of an Italian couple going to their marriage: she with the hairdresser and the make-up artist, dressed in white. Him tying the know in front of the mirror in its bathroom. Seriously?!

And then again dancing... what's with dancing and Macri? He will have a lot of tip-toeing to do in the next months, that's for sure.
I think we need to focus on keeping Macri honest :)

Not that we would have any influence (unless he reads or cares what we write here, which I highly doubt!). At least, for my part, I'm an equal-opportunity bitcher :D

We sure did a shitty job of keeping CFK honest.

Not sure if we've improved any since earlier in the week.
Well, I'll start by complaining about the new First Lady outfits... Is she going to a falsa boda? Really? White short dress with white lace? And then a deep-cleavage white dress (again!)?


That lady is probably the hottest First Lady in Argentina's history. And you will respect that!!

You can complain about Macri all you won't (not really), but lay off the FLILF!
I thought the dancing was the best part of the ceremony. You could clearly hear people going "que baile!!! que baile!!!". And then they started singing for him so he'd dance. Instead of going "no gorilas!!!! I'm the president!!! I know better than you, just eat your choripan and shut up!" He did what the people wanted him to do. It was awesome.

As for what we'd complain about. There's going to be plenty to complain about since last time I checked Macri was still human and prone to screwing up.