Another CFK Corralito

Lucas said:
I was going to say something....

...but then I thought, what for?

Why to lose my time which is not of much value anyway with this kind of people, really doesn't make sense or the effort to give some credit to them they do not deserve even my undervalued time, so I decided to 'let it be' as in the Beatles song. I only wish the worst of luck to them and hope that they are very, very unlucky in reaching their nefarious goals for this country shake.

Update: to the 'clones'

This goes for you guys as well JWB, "thanks" me you both want to confuse people as you do with the newspapers you read and support they use the same tactics...but I'm sorry to tell you guys that these "tactics" will NOT work here....try them somewhere else.

Lucas, your ignorance and stupidity stuns me on a daily basis and seems to be getting worse. You do realize there are only a small handful of people on this forum that actually agree with you, right? aka FrenchJurist

It's clear that you are either a K supporter planted here to spread the Government propaganda or have the intelligence of a small ape. Either way, it's entertaining so keep up the good work. If nothing else, it's good comic relief.

Unlike you I read all the papers in town so I can get views from all sides of the story...the only papers/sources/channels that are 100% biased and withhold facts are run by your precious K Government.
JWB said:
It's clear that you are either a K supporter planted here to spread the Government propaganda or have the intelligence of a small ape. Either way, it's entertaining so keep up the good work. If nothing else, it's good comic relief.

By the same token then it's more than evident that you and your clones are here planted by Clarin and the corporate moguls to propagate fears and misinformation between the expatriate community with the end in mind to produce antagonism towards this democratic elected 54.11% government and CFK persona, that seems to me that those are you and the clones (you multiplier by 3) goals.
JWB said:
Yeah! Down with free speech!! If they don't agree with you, just flush it down the toilet.

Actually, the "marketplace of ideas" is the foundation of many court decisions on free speech in U.S. jurisprudence. It's based on something that I thought you would find dear: the free market. Like a consumer has a choice to choose one product over another (allowing the other one to fail), people can choose what they want to read and what they don't want to read. Such a feature is available in the YouTube comments sections, allowing users to "thumbs down" posts that they feel are vapid and inflammatory -- much like many of the posts in this thread.

You still get to spew your unconstructive, name-calling and childish nonsense, and we get to disapprove it. :rolleyes: It's not anti-free speech. It's democracy.
jb5 said:
The Salon article is interesting but not written by someone with an understanding of economics.

It's hard to ignore that the K's did a lot to help the poor and bring the prosperity to a middle class that is apparent to the eye here in BA--full restaurants, lots of folks with credit cards, a booming Starbucks generation. But the issue is that what they did to bring this about is not sustainable.

Thus the desperate moves just days after the election. Can a middle class grow here without foreign investment? Can a real estate market based on pesos not fall? Can AR not seriously devalue the peso when Brazil is seriously devaluing the Real? Can the government keep on spending the way they have been with zero access to international debt markets?

It all was never sustainable. Kind of like Obama's stabs at stimulus. Eventually reality must be dealt with.

Nicely put!

Some definitely need to learn economics basics

They didn't leverage middle / lower class by wealth creation, it's done by depriving producing members of society off their hard earned to give it to social parasites. Hat down to hard working humble lower class / lower middle class folks. Cristina's supporters are lumpen proletariat styled piqueteros. Instead of providing them education and work opportunities, she throws money on buying their votes. It's not doing anybody any good, namely not them
PhilipDT said:
Maybe you guys are all mis interpreting gsi's statements. I'm hoping that the intent wasn't that the people who are voted for christina are PP.O.S because they're poor. Rather, I suspect that gsi meant they are pieces of shit because they are actively trying to destroy the quality of life for 40 million people and drive a great country into the ground.

Government + lumpen proleters try to scr3w up hard working and producing members of society

I'm all for welfare policies. After all, I'm European and leftist. But, I'm against political clientelism, that Argentina fondly grows
JWB said:
Lucas, your ignorance and stupidity stuns me on a daily basis and seems to be getting worse. You do realize there are only a small handful of people on this forum that actually agree with you, right? aka FrenchJurist

It's clear that you are either a K supporter planted here to spread the Government propaganda or have the intelligence of a small ape. Either way, it's entertaining so keep up the good work. If nothing else, it's good comic relief.

Unlike you I read all the papers in town so I can get views from all sides of the story...the only papers/sources/channels that are 100% biased and withhold facts are run by your precious K Government.

French, namely Parisians are same as Argentines and Portenos so they do hit it off really well
what a terible discussion. i`m not a u.s. citizen, and I`m not an argentinian - sure, things can be better here, but, hey, live with it! you`re lucky anyway, you`re a foreigner that earns decent money, right? i think that you can´t really understand how things/politics/people work, think etc. here if you haven`t grown up with this and went through the trouble argentina and argentinians had. coming from the u.s. or europe doesn`t make us better or brighter. we got our own problems and weaknesses. if you don`t like it, go home.
robinho9 said:
what a terible discussion. i`m not a u.s. citizen, and I`m not an argentinian - sure, things can be better here, but, hey, live with it! you`re lucky anyway, you`re a foreigner that earns decent money, right? i think that you can´t really understand how things/politics/people work, think etc. here if you haven`t grown up with this and went through the trouble argentina and argentinians had. coming from the u.s. or europe doesn`t make us better or brighter. we got our own problems and weaknesses. if you don`t like it, go home.

You have added 0 to this discussion....that is z e r o. And you have 100% missed what the discussion was about. bye bye
Lucas said:
By the same token then it's more than evident that you and your clones are here planted by Clarin and the corporate moguls to propagate fears and misinformation between the expatriate community with the end in mind to produce antagonism towards this democratic elected 54.11% government and CFK persona, that seems to me that those are you and the clones (you multiplier by 3) goals.

Yes, another brilliant statement by Lucas. 3 cheers everyone! Well said! Clarin paid me to move to a 4th world country, join an EXPAT board and protect their interest.

On a side note, Clarin couldn't afford my rate.