Anyone Going To The World Cup?

OK then let's look at a concrete example. The other day, we had that thread on Eduardo Galeano and his supposed recantation (too smashed to look up the link right now). I complained that all of the sources quoting him were secondary sources (all referring to the same NYT article), and there was no direct evidence of what he actually said to see if it jived with what the articles were claiming. Rich One in turn accused me of being a Camporista for imputing the source.

In this case, are you saying I was making a straw man argument? If so, I would have to say what you define as straw men arguments are not only valid, but they are about as good of an argument as one can get-- rightfully attacking an opponent's fallacious sources.
This post you just made is a good example of a Straw Man argument. You are attempting to associate my contentions with Rich's (alleged) name calling even thought there really is no analog at all. Your post is a good example of a straw man, albeit a poorly executed one, which I will attribute to your inebriation.
Both the Toro Tinto and myself take exception to your charge of a poorly executed strawman.

Let's simplify the issue: if our argument is about the definition of a strawman, and your contention rests on a wikipedia definition of the word, how is my challenging the validity of your source a distraction from the issue? If that isn't the real issue than what is?

This is the exact same case as Rich's accusations (there, linking ability victorious over inebriation!). He argued that you can't challenge the evidence someone brings into an argument. On the other hand, the "Checkers" episode was precisely a strawman because Nixon's opponents never brought the dog up; it was just a distraction, whereas here you brought up the Wikipedia def, not me.

I think you're grasping at straws here José, perhaps in a desperate attempt to defend the usual BAExpats rhetorical style. If so, I guess you're at least fighting for a noble cause.
Interesting how Oliver lays the blame entirely on FIFA. It is not as if FIFA FORCED the Brazilian government to accept anything. Lula wanted that World Cup badly, as a monument to himself. The Brazilian people were told by Lula that private business were going to pick up the tab of the World Cup, including the stadium in Manaus.
Yes, FIFA is a corrupt organization, but the blame should fall solely on the Lula and Dilma administrations.

Actually, soccer itself is the problem.
Both the Toro Tinto and myself take exception to your charge of a poorly executed strawman.

Let's simplify the issue: if our argument is about the definition of a strawman, and your contention rests on a wikipedia definition of the word, how is my challenging the validity of your source a distraction from the issue? If that isn't the real issue than what is?

Your challenge of Wikipedia's as a legitimate source of information is a straw man because you should instead be attacking the actually definition - not the source. There is no doubt that some Wikipedia data is wrong but it is unreasonable to say it is all inaccurate. You should be challenging the definition itself, not the source.

Just as I would not attack your argument by saying it couldn't possibly be true coming from the mouth of someone clearly overindulging in boxed wines. I can only legitimately attack your argument based on its merits. It would be illegitimate to attack it simply based on its source being an aficionado of boxed wines.
Actually, soccer itself is the problem.

Yeah, only 1 country should play it, maybe rename the world cup to the "world series" then they can keep the "world series" within that one country and they wont need to take it around the world.
Yeah, only 1 country should play it, maybe rename the world cup to the "world series" then they can keep the "world series" within that one country and they wont need to take it around the world.

In the USA's defence, the World Series is named after the New York World newspaper, who sponsored the original tournament in the early 20th Century.
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In the USA's defence, the World Series is named after the New York World newspaper, who sponsored the original tournament in the early 20th Century.

I stand corrected:

Anyway, the world cup … yeah … I'm not going. It is crazy expensive and will be chockers full of hyper tourists. Not to mention the prices.

I love Rio - but will watch from the relative safety of the couch
Everyone loves the Argentines:

Argentines themselves feel the same way, of course:
What? Betrayal of the Malvinas (sic)?

Who did they except Chileans to support after decades of Argentine bullying? I mean, don't get me wrong, I like Argentina and most Argentines but sometimes they need some perspective.

About Maradona's goal in 86, I've never met an Argentine who's willing to admit it was an illegal goal. I mean... hand of God?? Are you serious? Lack of perspective, again.