dani28 said:
Only one major problem?
What about the fact that the poverty rate and number of villa miserias is at an all-time high? But supposedly unemployment is low? How can that be?
Are you serious?
Where did you find these statistics? Did they come to you in a vision?
Let's assume for the sake of the argument that INDEC's figures are rubbery. So, take a look at the World Bank's numbers. Unemployment has fallen from 18.3% in 2001 to 8.6% in 2009. Urban poverty has fallen from 26.9% in 2006 to 9.9% in 2010. Infant mortality is falling, school enrollments are increasing. Funding of education as % of GDP has more than tripled.
A lot is made of the "handouts" given to entice the "masses" to vote for CFK (with the implication that the masses are obviously stupid sheep who just do whatever they're told for some trinkets).
These "handouts" are things like subsidised gas & electricity, asignacion universal por hijo, dignified housing projects, etc. These are all excellent, very well directed programs which provide the greatest support to those in the greatest need.
Most people in this forum look at Argentinian politics from their own self-interested position (oh, [peanut butter, pancake mix, a new ipad] is so expensive because of import restrictions, CFK is the devil!). As a direct consequence of policies like that, this year Argentina's manufacturing exports exceeded agricultural exports for the first time in its history.
In another thread, the usual suspects have pronounced the death of the peso (for the 12th time this year) and general chaos as a result of CFK's reelection. Lets see how that plays out!
This argument that CFK is the spawn of satan and everything she does is evil is just as intellectually bankrupt as bowing at the altar of Kirchenerism. Four legs good, two legs bad! The reality is that most people are better off as a result of her (and Nestor's) government's work and policies. No doubt things could be done better -- things can always be done better, but they can also be done a hell of a lot worse.