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More protests expected today.
More accounts of extreme police violence are emerging:
" In the alpha cell of the Anti-riot police, they hanged me and in the Third Police Station, hooded men hit me from the back repeatedly , on the ribs, 'for being an opponent' and under threats from Commissioner Guanes, whom we have already denounced, as well as the staff"
The youngest of the complainants said that 13 hooded police officers beat him. “ They also shot me for wanting to help a lady in the middle of the disturbance . Let's go to court. No more threats or blows, ”he added
Human Rights Watch have also issued a complaint against Argentina and the national government.
The Catholic Church has also chimed in its condemnation.
Meanwhile the language of the government and many of their neo-fascist supporters continue to justify the use of force by blaming "violent" protesters while making out as if they are the only victims and owners of human rights in this country. This kind of talk seriously delegitimises any notion of concern human rights as it is exactly the same talk that was used by the dictatorship to justify violent acts and repression of political opponents - something this government still likes to use as ammunition to gain political favor almost 40 years later.
More accounts of extreme police violence are emerging:
" In the alpha cell of the Anti-riot police, they hanged me and in the Third Police Station, hooded men hit me from the back repeatedly , on the ribs, 'for being an opponent' and under threats from Commissioner Guanes, whom we have already denounced, as well as the staff"
The youngest of the complainants said that 13 hooded police officers beat him. “ They also shot me for wanting to help a lady in the middle of the disturbance . Let's go to court. No more threats or blows, ”he added
Formosa: el gobierno de Insfrán blinda el centro de la capital ante una nueva manifestación contra el regreso a la Fase 1
Dispuso un fuerte operativo para controlar los accesos y monitorear el movimiento social. Cientos de personas ya se concentraron en las inmediaciones a la Casa de Gobierno provincial
Human Rights Watch have also issued a complaint against Argentina and the national government.
Human Rights Watch repudió la represión en Formosa: “Preocupan las graves denuncias de uso excesivo de la fuerza”
El director ejecutivo para la región de América del organismo, José Miguel Vivanco, cuestionó la postura “politizada” del Gobierno
The Catholic Church has also chimed in its condemnation.
La Iglesia criticó a Insfrán: “No puede aceptarse la represión violenta de ciudadanos que reclaman por sus derechos humanos y sociales”
La Comisión Ejecutiva de la Conferencia Episcopal difundió una carta con duros cuestionamientos al gobernador de Formosa. Pidió “alejarse de la prepotencia personal o institucional, propias de otros tiempos trágicos de nuestra Patria”
Meanwhile the language of the government and many of their neo-fascist supporters continue to justify the use of force by blaming "violent" protesters while making out as if they are the only victims and owners of human rights in this country. This kind of talk seriously delegitimises any notion of concern human rights as it is exactly the same talk that was used by the dictatorship to justify violent acts and repression of political opponents - something this government still likes to use as ammunition to gain political favor almost 40 years later.