Gay Marriage Passes in Arg Senate

Great news about the gay marriage bill.......

.......Now if only they would lower the IVA tax from a ridiculous high of 21% and eliminate the "impuesto al cheque" and "impuesto a debito/credito" in checking accounts, I would say this country is on a path to greatness!!
polostar88 said:
No it's simple...if the senate (or govt. or the courts) pass a law against the will of the people, that is an imposition. It doesn't matter if you or I think it's a good law or not.

On a related note, do you believe the Argentinian govt. and elites have the best wishes of the Argentinian people at heart and that this is why they are doing this?
Like it or not, Congressmen, the President, etc have all been elected and voted by the majority. The system here is Representative, Republican and Federal...
VoiceofTruth said:
"Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin." Leviticus 18:22

For a faith (supposedly) built around acceptance and loving thy neighbour, some of you guys aren't half hateful and prejudiced. Take it elsewhere, please.

Argentina: Good on you, and congratulations on a truly momentous day! :)
nikad said:
Like it or not, Congressmen, the President, etc have all been elected and voted by the majority. The system here is Representative, Republican and Federal...

Yes and if they pass laws or policies that are against the will of the people, that is an imposition.

By the way, a lot of politicians here are elected on votes of non-Argentinian residents whose votes are bought with monthly grocery gifts (200 pesos per family I believe).
pericles said:
The Catholic church and its supporters should look at their hypocrisy before condemning equal rights for gays and lesbians. The march on Tuesday night organised and abetted by them with 50000 supporters was a last cry from a church that has lost its way .

I never saw them demonstrating in Argentina against pedophilia ( most prevalent in their ranks) nor against human right abuses in indigenous communities but they found that the rights of gay people just to be accepted as normal citizens warranted this display of arrogance that showed no fruit in the end.

Tolerance is a fundamental right and with that will come acceptance that all human citizens deserve equally.
Very right on. You and I do not agree often. But your comment here regarding the "wrongness" of the church and it's historical interference with basic human rights is loaded with truth.
Now if the government votes to suspend the generous salaries that it pays to the catholic clergy we will have a real change of direction.
polostar88 said:
Yes and if they pass laws or policies that are against the will of the people, that is an imposition.

By the way, a lot of politicians here are elected on votes of non-Argentinian residents whose votes are bought with monthly grocery gifts (200 pesos per family I believe).

Foreign residents cannot vote in National elections, they are only allowed to do so in some provinces and for local authorities.
If most people were against the new bill, they would be protesting all over the place, no government or law is sustained without people´s support.
nikad said:
Foreign residents cannot vote in National elections, they are only allowed to do so in some provinces and for local authorities.
If most people were against the new bill, they would be protesting all over the place, no government or law is sustained without people´s support.

Yes but they do.
Now if the government votes to suspend the generous salaries that it pays to the catholic clergy we will have a real change of direction.

Hallelujah. People are free to invest their time in whatever delusions they wish but they should not receive any public funds for doing so.
There are so many misconceptions about God and His word. God truly loves all people. But God cannot tolerate sin. Truth is truth no matter if we like it or not. The Bible says homosexuality is a sin, that is a fact, just as the other sins God speaks of. No one is sinless but Jesus and that is why He was arrested, spit on, beaten and then crucified, for my sin and yours. God loves you so much He let His Son die for you.

To answer some of the posts here, briefly, it does not matter that this is the 21st century. The Bible says God is the same yesterday, today and forever. What was sin to God then is sin to God today.

As far as someone said many who preach one thing and do another, sad but too often true. But we don’t follow man, we follow Jesus, and He is perfect. If you look to man, you will be let down, if you look to God, He will never let you down. No one is perfect or without sin and that is why we need forgiveness from Jesus. The same poster seems to be saying that because a lot of people practice or like homosexuality, it must be o.k. If you follow that line of thinking, would incest be o.k. because people practice it? How about adultery or using heroin? What about murder? Many people do it. Is it o.k? No, just because a lot of people do something or like something does not make it right.

Someone said “for every scripture you can pull out I can pull out an equal amount.” Can you show me where God said homosexuality is good? You can’t because the Bible calls it sin.

Also, someone said that we forget that the most important thing Jesus taught was free will. That is just not true. God created man in His image, that means we have some characteristics of God and one is free will. God gave us free will so we could choose to love Him or hate Him, to accept Him or reject Him. He does not want puppets and He will never force Himself on anyone. The most important thing Jesus taught was that we are all sinners in need of a Savior, and that Savior is Jesus.

One poster said that Lucifer was the one who wanted to force people to be good and follow the Law of God. In truth, Lucifer is the Devil and he rebelled against God and till this day tries to get people to not follow God.

Sorry for the long post but eternity rests on what you do with Jesus. The Bible clearly says God loves all people but their sin has separated them from God. The only way to get right with God is through the cross of Jesus.

If anybody has any questions about God or the Bible, you can p.m. me.