Help Urgently Needed: Forum Expat Gone Nuts In My Apartment

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Regardless of who's at fault and whose to blame, the rental agreement makes clear that the tenant needs to be out by Monday. Go there Monday, that's when you're allowed to enter your apartment. Usually there's a clause in rental contracts allowing you to enter for emergency purposes.
Are you offering (to be an intermediary)?

Gee, I would love to but I'm pretty busy this weekend. First, I'm going to practice eating spoonfuls of cinnamon. Then, I'm going to dice 10 onions and then ride around the city with them inside of my motorcycle helmet. Lastly, I'm going to see if I can break the world record for sitting on the end of a broomstick, naked. Been looking forward to this for a long time so I'll have to pass. :)
You are clearly very emotional at this point. For example you keep offering to show emails and chats to prove you're right and the other person is wrong.

The accusations about my being very emotional are made from whole cloth - I just got back from a fantastic BAExpat meetup, in fact, and am in fantastic spirits! I will be ignoring these comments (I only respond because it's the second time you say it and I'd hate for you to think I hadn't seen them), though I appreciate that you may have made the rest of your comments with the best of intentions.

Thanks for your 'help', but I think I know what to do from this point on. I just really hope that she doesn't start destroying my walls, as she is now accusing me of having hidden cameras in the apartment that she will have to destroy the walls to get to. Not naming names, but a couple of other expats saw this email when it arrived. The people who matter have seen, in person, how I've been reacting to these things as they happen.

I think it's natural to offer to provide proof, when - as TomAtAlki mentions above - there have been some 'incidents' on this forum in the past. I've responded to them privately and am, once again, satisfied that the people who matter know what's what. I also hope that I've been able to prevent this happening to someone else.

I'll probably be deleting this thread (if possible) once this is resolved, but I am extremely thankful for and pleasantly surprised by all of the support I've received here, especially in the flurry of PMs I received, which I will reply to now that I am back home! I look forward to becoming more involved in future BAExpat meetups and events IRL.

Thanks, guys - as long as my apartment isn't totally destroyed on Monday, I will feel that I've actually had a net gain from this whole experience with the BAExpats forum. I found support that I had been unaware of until today and met some great and inspirational people to boot.
You shouldnt get personally involved in other peoples problems. They are adults and can take care of themselves. I used to do favors for everyone I came across that seemed like they needed a helping hand. You learn after a while, people are never greatful and if you give them a hand, many times theyll take the elbow.

I'm sorry you've had these negative experiences. I don't regret helping any of my friends to get their deposit back - most of the time they were just visiting, and the landlords thought that once they were on a plane out of Argentina, that would be that! I'm happy to say that I have a good track record in helping my friends to get their deposits back from unscrupulous landlords - I've posted tips on this forum about how to avoid it and hope that they will be of use to somebody.
I appreciate the warning but without telling us who it is youre not really warning anybody. If this person is as bad as you say maybe you should jist tell us so we can steer clear of her.

I told you in a private message before you edited your post, and it is easy enough to figure out, even for Judge Judy (who is nowhere near Buenos Aires, as far as I know).

My intention here is to get my apartment now between now and Monday morning in good shape, not to defame her in a way that could be permanently searchable. It is still my sincere hope that this person will be able to turn their life around... far, far away from my apartment of course.
I had a similar problem with her. Felt sorry for her and she had reached out to me thru PMS but started overdoing it. When I backed off she went BALLISTIC on me. This was all before she got here (altho she often gave the appearance of already being here)...I actually did warn one expat friend of mine when her name came up...and I NEVER have done that before...I try and give people the benefit of the doubt...but I was again dubious when she appeard on the forum saying she could get expats long term apartments without a problem,...
Homeinbuenosaires, I was hoping I had been wrong...if I had known you were considering renting to her BEFORE the fact I would've warned you about her hostile over reaction with me. Sorry we didn't have that conversation. And I really don't like saying negative things about people, prefer that people make their own conclusions...but sometimes it saves time money and stress to give a discrete "cuidadate"..

Thanks so much, LaCoqueta, for editing your post to back me up publicly on this. You know that I am a person who offers to help BAExpats in good faith, and I am happy that I was able to help you once in a tiny way (and appreciate how you reciprocated :) ). You are one of the 'people that matter' that I mention in my recent post.

I really think this was a blip. I think that if I'd offered my place to virtually anyone else on this forum, it would have been win/ win. I refuse to let this experience turn me into a completely bitter and cynical person, sorry guys (you know who you are)!
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