Odd how the US media is barely covering this story...

I think there are a large number of Argentinians that would agree the posts Lucas makes, I don't know if it would be a majority or not but certainly close to it. I think this gives us a window on to the thinking that goes on here and helps explain why things are as they are in Argentina.
No no no no, you haven't understood anything then. This guy is a one-in-a-million ocurrence. But at least he takes the time to write... it is surely better than watching tv.
Amargo said:
No no no no, you haven't understood anything then. This guy is a one-in-a-million ocurrence. But at least he takes the time to write... it is surely better than watching tv.

Well I think there are a lot like him or you wouldn't have the people like the ones that run the government currently in office. This is just from my own experiences and not from a poll. Maybe, I am indulging in magical thinking in believing there are a lot of people like this in Argentina.
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Amargo said:
No no no no, you haven't understood anything then. This guy is a one-in-a-million ocurrence. But at least he takes the time to write... it is surely better than watching tv.

I wonder if "lucas" is a pen name for Hebe Pastor de Bonafini...Lucas sounds a lot like Hebe.
I don't know if Lucas is the norm. I have yet to meet an Argentine here: rich, poor or otherwise, that isn't "dazzled" when I tell them I moved from NYC. (At which point their eyes grow wide and glisten like a japanese cartoon character). And then they ask: "And you moved here? Why?"

(of course all my friends back home hear Buenos Aires and they are as equally "dazzled", so what does that say...)

All I will say Lucas is America (yeah it's the USA deal with it) "owns" this part of the world. And Latin America is its backyard. And you know what happens in the States in the backyard: People put their dog house and spetic tanks there.

When Ukraine gets in a spat with Russia over Natural Gas, they are not calling Bolivia or Argentina to "help them out". If South Korea gets flattened by 1 Million hungry North Korean Army soldiers, they are not on the phone to Colombia, or asking Daniel Ortega for anything other than where he gets his awesome sunglasses. Damn, Christina's office cannot even safeguard $90,000 in petty cash for a vacation, you think I am going to trust that over made up, George Hamilton tanned dingbat with real stuff? C'mon!!! My country is getting over run and you want me to call Donatella Versace's stunt double!!!

Who you calling? The Brits, ok they'll send over some Coldstream Guards and a prince 500-1000 men and some strong tea and iron balls.

The French? They'll send a bunch of Algerian convicts in the form of the French Foreign Legion 1000 more men, and some well made baked goods.

The Italians: 200 Men who will argue all day and then sit in the sun staring at the beach admiring their stylish uniforms. And some awesome leather boots.

C'mon....your country is small. Just deal. You don't see Canada pulling this crap.
gouchobob said:
Well I think there are a lot like him or you wouldn't have the people like the ones that run the government currently in office.

Who would be in office then?
pauper said:
Who would be in office then?

Good question, I don't know if anybody else currently on the scene would be any better. The whole political class here is like Ali Babba and the 40 thieves. Hope is that someone will step forward in the future that can break Argentina from this Peronist trap that the country has been in for the last 60 years. There are good people here so it will happen one day. Don't know when, it could take a complete Zimbabwe type collapse when all these people become completely discredited before real change occurs.
gouchobob said:
Don't know when, it could take a complete Zimbabwe type collapse when all these people become completely discredited before real change occurs.

One can only hope.
The worse part...is that they are lucky. The last time they were about to implode the whole world economy collapsed instead.
Or perhaps a catastrophe somewhere that produces soy shoots the prices up and we have a record campaign or something.
Amargo said:
No no no no, you haven't understood anything then. This guy is a one-in-a-million ocurrence. But at least he takes the time to write... it is surely better than watching tv.

gouchobob said:
Well I think there are a lot like him or you wouldn't have the people like the ones that run the government currently in office.

This guy is indeed a one-in-a-million, but only in the sense that he can speak English, let alone write coherently (sometimes, and where by "coherently" I mean strictly that you can understand what he wants to say). I'd suspect that a big block of voting public thinks this way - to the extent that it thinks at all (about politics and economics).

Just remember that the same people on whose account you think twice before you take your phone out of your pocket in this city, these people are all voters. These are the people who are being bought off with the "social security" system, paid for by $30B of private pension holdings.

Socialization is ripe to happen in any society where there is no critical mass amongst the population - the at-least-slightly-educated "middle class", if you will - where people understand that ripping off private to pay for the public will come back to bite everyone. When you don't have a significant percent of the people that understands this, the time is ripe for someone to do just that - with the support of Lucas et al. And this setup describes Argentina perfectly.
Reproduced for the slower ones.

What really happened is that...the US was

Buenos Aires : Argentina | Feb 16, 2011
By RobertTilford01

Relations between the United States and Argentina took a serious hit after cargo brought into Buenos Aires by US Air Force military transport plane was 'busted" smuggling undeclared guns, ammo and advanced spy equipment into the country.

In blatant violation of Argentine laws and apparently without the knowledge, consent or approval of the legitimate government.


The illegal cashe of weapons came in disgised as equipment for a joint exercises where the US military team was supposed to provide Argentine police with anti terrorist training - but this may have been a cover for a top secret US spy mission in a foreign country (which may have been compromised before it ever began). Argentine customs officials may have been tipped in advance of the secret operation (evidence of a spy's work behind the scenes?

Shortly after the bust the exercises between the US and Argentina were cancelled. Argentina is in the process now of filing an official protest to the US demanding a joint investigation be held - "Argentine law must be complied with by all, without exception, that includes the US," said Argentina's Foreign Minister Hector Timerman - who is pissed off over this incident, which he terms a "betrayal of trust".

Reports are the President of Argentina is livid over this matter.


Adding insult to injury - state department spokeswoman Virginia Staab, said Argentina's action in this case was "puzzling and disturbing". Ms Staab said the US is waiting for an official explanation from Argentina's authorities. What she doesn't apparently understand is that this is a serious violation of Argentine law. She also tried to down play the incident by saying at one point the confiscated cargo, included one rifle, a first air kit and MRE's (Meals ready to eat), a secure communication device similar to GPS, encrypted communication equipment, tables and personal foot lockers that contained helmets." So all this is really to do about nothing, calling the search conducted by Argentine customs officials was "unusual, strange and unannounced." Leading some to believe the secret operation was compromised before it could get started.

The incident recalls another truth: that the most convenient vehicle for transporting drugs, weapons and other smuggled goods is a military cargo plane capable of carrying many tons worth in at a single time. In this case the cargo was 1000 square feet (28 cubic meters) which is way more than a single rifle and a few helmets.

All this comes amid the scandal of the release of hundreds of US state Department cables, where the state department was spying on the Argentine President, trying to access medical records and find out what type of medications she was taking, and accusing the government of Argentina with corruption at the highest levels... at one point implicating a member of the President's own cabinet, who was suspected of being involved with a notorious drug cartel. Interestingly they, (I say "they" meaning the US state department and Hillery Clinton), didn't warn the President of Argentina, but instead hid that fact from her. Which could have placed her life in danger... is inexcusable. But then so is spying on members of the United Nations by collecting DNA samples, passwords and email addresses...

But the Argentina smuggling operation is different. It's a violation of Argentina's laws that has created a huge scandal for the US.

One Russian newspaper report put it this way "the US left hand doesn't know what the right is up to". Which could very well be the case here.

If this was a secret operation of some kind, it is no longer.

Argentina is a trans shipment country for cocaine headed to Europe, heroin headed for the United States, and ephedrine and pseudo ephedrine headed for Mexico; some money-laundering activity, especially in the Tri Border Area; law enforcement corruption; a source for precursor chemicals; increasing domestic consumption of drugs in urban centers, especially cocaine and synthetic drugs, according to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

CIA is an independent US government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers.

Like or not this country as it is now with this government the carnal relations are over, for how long I don't know, I hope forever, deal with it.