I'm only into my second week back here - and my last visit was pretty short - although this time round I intend to stay a lot longer 
For me the whole thing is pretty simple - I'm a guest in this country so I need to learn to adapt to the people and place - not the other way around
That doesn't mean that I necessarily agree with the way everything is done here - and it doesn't mean I like everything here - but at the end of the day I chose to come here so its up to me to adapt...
To be honest - there are a lot of things about Argentina that I really *do* like (or else I wouldn't be here anyway
- there is a lot more freedom here in many ways - the people still now how to enjoy life and make the most out of what they have - and they really seem to have this amazing character - they seem to be able to handle whatever life throws at them and then they just stand up, dust themselves off and keep on going... I can respect that...
Anyway - after I've taken Spanish lessons for a year and feel like I've really settled down I'll probably have a better idea of things - but for me right now this is my ''two pesos worth''...
For me the whole thing is pretty simple - I'm a guest in this country so I need to learn to adapt to the people and place - not the other way around
That doesn't mean that I necessarily agree with the way everything is done here - and it doesn't mean I like everything here - but at the end of the day I chose to come here so its up to me to adapt...
To be honest - there are a lot of things about Argentina that I really *do* like (or else I wouldn't be here anyway
Anyway - after I've taken Spanish lessons for a year and feel like I've really settled down I'll probably have a better idea of things - but for me right now this is my ''two pesos worth''...