cabrera said:
You make woman sound like a car to be used and then traded for a new one as soon as the tyres show some wear.
Old men are not sexy either and need their viagra to pretend their young and virile . Pathetic as the women with the four facelifts and the blow up breasts.
Wow, what planet are you from? Are you a beta max and do they still make you?
This is the year 2011 and we're in Argentina, the most sexually permissive country, second to Brasil in Latin America. It's Catholic, but in name only. Here you can buy those fake tits, pump up that erection with viagra and buy that new car when the old one shows some wear.
Here you can confess your sins and then you're free to sin again, and again, and again. Here you can be 40 and have several 18 year old girl friends at the same time and nobody cares. Women with women, men with women, men with men, men with two men, two women with one man... and any other combination you can imagine, at all hours of the day, bonking and boning in Telos all across Buenos Aires.
Don't knock those 'blow up breasts' as you call them. They've saved many a marriage and turned many ordinary women into goddesses, just the way God intended.

The A to D size conversion is a favorite here.
In defense of Viagra, it's the recreational drug of choice for many men who need to scratch that itch when the woman they're with just doesn't do it for them anymore.

The boner award of the century must go to Pfizer.