Argentina isn't the cheapest

Panama is essentially bi-monetary.
The national official currency is the Balboa (PAB) since 1904. This is pegged to the USD 1:1 by government decision.
Panama only issues coins from B/$0.01 up to B/$1. No banknotes.
Panama has never had a central bank - which is fairly unique as it does have its own currency unlike say Andorra, Tuvalu or Monaco. The government does have an organism that regulates the banking sector however.
The USD also has status as an official currency - "uso legal" vs "curso legal".
Individuals and businesses can choose in which currency they hold accounts, loans, contracts etc - although by default most products are in USD except when dealing with state owned banks or government entities when it will almost always be done in PAB (incase one day they ever decide to unpeg the current exchange rate, as is the country's right.)
If you sign up for a PAB credit/ bank card, when you go to use it in the USA you can expect to see foreign currency fees.

As far as banknotes goes, USD is universally accepted as it is 1:1 and there is no other alternative in wide circulation. With the PAB coins, there is always exact change to be had - think I still have a little bag full of it somewhere.
Pretty much same in Cambodia also.
Great Jtee125! We are on the same "wavelength" lately. You will love Bangkok. We really loved Thailand and eager to go back this summer. The people are so kind and gentile.
Finally got to Bangkok and have been here a few days, any recommendations? Loving it here so far.

(Sorry if this is off topic, appreciate I am pretty antipodal to BA at this time)
It wasn't cheap when I moved here in 1999 (peso = dollar), but I survived all the changes. After 24 years, there is nothing that will cause me to leave the city that I love.
Just in case Argentina gets dollarised and expensive, here's where you can go for less than current Argentine prices:

Some of the places he mentions in South America are not nearly as safe as Buenos Aires.
Please its certainly not cheaper than the phillipines as food prices ,rental prices, cars furniture , clothing are double in us dollars than anywhere in that country
I just came from 3 months in the 'Beverly Hills' of Manila....(the rest of the place is close to awful) and an apple was over a dollar. Lots of hard goods were well priced but it was the price of food that floored me, supermarkets and restaurants. It is food prices that demark Argentina. And the price of care at the best hospitals is very high. I had a Mohs procedure on my face...$2600 (UCLA trained doctor)
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With the new dollar blue values I have upped my wine choice when invited for dinner to someone's home. New Choice, a US$ 5 bottle of Rutini. Was embarrassed with my previous choice of a US$ 1 bottle of Mbape ?