The deal with Argentine men and their "girl" friends

Frankly - that just makes me go ewwwww. What the hell does a 30+ year old man have in common with a teenager? It really is just mind-boggling. What kind of maturity level does the man (not) have to want to date someone that young? The gap in life experiences is enormous.

I've never seen it and frankly, if one of my friends was dating a teenager - I don't think I would be hanging out with him.
citygirl said:
Frankly - that just makes me go ewwwww. What the hell does a 30+ year old man have in common with a teenager? It really is just mind-boggling. What kind of maturity level does the man (not) have to want to date someone that young? The gap in life experiences is enormous.

I've never seen it and frankly, if one of my friends was dating a teenager - I don't think I would be hanging out with him.

Perhaps McDonald's is cheaper than La Bourgogne.



PS- Egypt is about to be "free"... with absolutely no democratic infrastructure what-so-ever. This should be interesting.
PhilipDT said:
Here? They could both live with their parents....

Jjajajajajajajajajajaja :D:D:D, sad but true.

citygirl said:
What the hell does a 30+ year old man have in common with a teenager? It really is just mind-boggling. What kind of maturity level does the man (not) have to want to date someone that young? The gap in life experiences is enormous.

I agree with you here, I just mentioned the anecdote about my friend because some people were talking about rape and I think that those comments are just prejudices.

10 years more or less, it means from 24 to 44 is ok according to my personal morality, but as I mentioned, private life is private and you should care about what your children do only.

mcaffa said:
17 year old girls should be more concerned about their studies than about bagging experienced lovers.

In our society, as far as she is doing well in her studies, whatever she wants to do with her private life is her busisness. But if she is not concerned enough about her studies, she is in big troubles. Then family get involved.

Bajo_cero2 said:
In our society, as far as she is doing well in her studies, whatever she wants to do with her private life is her busisness. But if she is not concerned enough about her studies, she is in big troubles. Then family get involved.


This is so NOT true! Where are you from? how old are you?
Bajo_cero2 said:
In our society, as far as she is doing well in her studies, whatever she wants to do with her private life is her busisness. But if she is not concerned enough about her studies, she is in big troubles. Then family get involved.

Alright, I think I've got it. So as long as she gets good grades, who cares about morals, STDs and teenage pregnancy (and with a guy 20 years her senior as the father)?
nikad said:
This is so NOT true! Where are you from? how old are you?

I am from Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Saavedra, I am 34.

I remember to stay to sleep at my girlfriend´s home when we were 17.

My sister´s boyfriend used to stay at home too since she was 16.

Nowadays she works at a place called CONICET reserching how to use star fish to duplicate human organs like liber.

So, I don´t think there is a dicotomy between having private life while you are a teenager and being concern about studies. That`s a prejudice regarding personal believes like religion but this is not a fact at all.
