I think the city is safer than rural areas. As for judicial system, let's just say that leniency is the norm when it comes to dealing with criminals. Sentences are light if it ever gets that far which it didn't with your criminals.
I agree with Sergio as far as the penalties for crimes and the whole system set up, where, we, as victims have to excuse ourselves for being victims and see the same crimminals pretty much walk away.
I have a different point of view on feeling safer in a city ....... out here at the ranch , there's no ''interference''of many people that you don't know and much less know their intentions towards you, perhaps some people feel safer when there are a lot of people around assuming they will help you if you should have a problem......
In my years of living in rural areas, i have learned that you are on your own(same as in the city)except you dont have to wonder if people around you are gonna help you or be part of the ''scam'' or robbery.
So far i have been robbed 7 times including one house burning but never when i was no where near (and this hapened over the span of 6 years) In this area , we don't have violent crimes as home invassions yet except for a couple of cases where they did their intelligence work and held up a big estancia(commando style home invassions done by former police officers)
To me it is very important that my message is heard, clear and understood by those with crimminal intentions, i guess that's why i never had to confront them as they are cowards and oportunistics.
You cannot and should not have to be vigilant 24,7 ,but the reality shows different, so i do take my personal safety very seriosly above and beyond what any law book says......what happened to this forum member is very sad but i do thank my god, they are alive, as long as you are alive, there's hope,no matter how hard it is, you can always pull thru, espcially when you have loved ones to count on.
As corny or cliche as it sounds, a bible, a winchester and a couple of bad ass dogs are the ones i put my trust always, all others are''unknown''with unknown intentions.
So to this forum member, be strong, rely on your faith( whatever it is) learn and teach your family how to shoot ,as you know by now, the cavalry is always late.........